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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2016 year, number 11

The study of propagation and adaptive optics correction of a laser beam along an atmospheric path protected from external influence

V.Yu. Venediktov1,2, D.V. Venediktov2, A.V. Gorelaya1, A.D. Dmitrieva1, D.I. Dmitriev3, A.V. Kudryashov4, I.L. Lovchiy3, A.D. Tsvetkov3, E.V. Shalymov1, Yu.V. Sheldakova4, E.V. Shubenkova1
1Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University, ul. Professor Popov, 5, St. Petersburg., 197376, Russia
2Saint Petersburg State University, 3, Ulyanovskaya str., Petrodvorets, St. Petersburg, 198504, Russia
3Scientific-Research Institute for Optoelectronic Instrument Engineering, Sosnovy Bor, Leningrad region, 188540
4Limited Liability Company Scientific Production Association В«ActiveOpticsNightN», 18/5, Sudostroitelnaya str., Moscow, 115407, Russia
Keywords: адаптивная оптика, атмосферная трасса, аберрации волнового фронта, датчик волнового фронта, adaptive optics, atmospheric beamlet, wavefront aberrations, wavefront sensor


The paper considers the performance of an adaptive optics system and its components at an artificial atmospheric beamlet, which can provide the controlled and reproducible influence onto the radiation beam along its path. The paper outlines the results of experimental investigation of the polychrome radiation wavefront distortions measured with the use of two Shack-Hartmann sensors. Qualitative and quantitative comparisons of wavefront parameters were carried out. The relationships between the wavefront parameters and the radiation wavelength were revealed for various lengths of the atmospheric path.