2016 year, number 3
V. V. Turovtsev1, E. M. Chernova1, V. N. Sitnikov1, V. N. Emel'yanenko2, Yu. D. Orlov1
1Tver State University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia 2Kazan Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Keywords: квантовая теория атомов в молекуле, электронная плотность, сопряжение, пропаргил, энтальпия образования, энтальпия разрыва связи, quantum theory of atoms in molecules, electron density, conjugation, propargyl, enthalpy of formation, enthalpy of bond cleavage
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By means of B3LYP/6-311++G(3df,3pd) the electron density distribution in the propargyl radical CH2CCH is obtained. Within the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules the phenomenon of conjugation and the spin density distribution of the unpaired electron in CH2CCH are studied at the qualitative level. Characteristics of the electronic structure of CH2CCH and its parent molecules CH3-C≡CH and CH2=C=CH2 are compared. With the use of the rigid rotator-anharmonic oscillator model the thermodynamic properties of the propargyl radical and enthalpies of bond cleavage in propyne and allene are calculated in the temperature range 298-1500 K. The relationship between the electronic and thermodynamic properties of CH2CCH is considered and its conjugation energy is calculated.
N. N. Kharabayev1, A. G. Starikov1,2, V. I. Minkin1,2
1Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia 2Southern Scientific Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Keywords: квантовая химия, молекулярная структура, хелатные комплексы металлов, ароматические азометины, quantum chemistry, molecular structure, metal chelate complexes, aromatic azomethines
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Within density functional theory the experimentally observed stereoeffects of the ligand environment in low-spin bis-chelates of Ni(II), Pd(II), and Pt(II) with aromatic azomethines is modeled. It is shown that complexes with the MN2O2 coordination core are characterized by the trans -configuration and in complexes with MN2S2 or MN2Se2 cores the stabilization of the cis -configuration occurs. The relationship is found between the composition of metal cycles and their conformation (an inflection along the donor atom line), the degree of steric hindrances in the cis -configuration due to the interligand interaction of R substituents at azomethine nitrogen atoms and the relative stability of cis - and trans -isomers of the complex.
E. L. Krasnykh, S. V. Portnova
Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia
Keywords: энтальпия испарения, топологический индекс, индекс связанности, сложные эфиры, прогнозирование, enthalpy of evaporation, topological index, connectivity index, esters, prediction
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In the work a prediction method based on modified Randic indices to estimate the enthalpies of vaporization under standard conditions Dvap H 0(298.2) is proposed for esters with different structures and numbers of ester groups. It is shown that the proposed method enables the prediction of enthalpies of vaporization of esters with an accuracy as good as experimental.
D. V. Korabel'nikov, Yu. N. Zhuravlev
Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russia
Keywords: нитрат, перхлорат, комплексный катион, кристаллическая структура, химическая связь, электронные состояния, nitrate, perchlorate, complex cation, crystal structure, chemical bond, electronic states
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Based on density functional theory with regard to the dispersion interaction the crystal structure and electronic properties of C4H8N12O6 and C4H8N10Cl2O8 are studied. Atomic structural parameters, bond populations, atomic charges, energy and spatial electron distributions are calculated. Differences in the studied characteristics caused by the non-equivalence of atoms are shown. A partially covalent nature of anion-cation bonds is revealed. The cationic nature of the lower unoccupied states is established, which results in a small band gap of ~1.7 eV as compared to other nitrates and perchlorates.
S.S. Gorgani, M. Samadizadeh
Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: rotary molecular machines, configuration changes, nitrogen inversion, aziridine, ab initio calculations
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Ab initio calculations are employed to investigate nitrogen inversion as a configuration change that can supply an extremely useful switchable control mechanism for some complex systems. In this paper, the design of a new artificial rotary molecular machine based on nitrogen inversion is discussed. The introduced design of a molecular rotator is based on the reciprocating motion of a substituent due to the inversion phenomenon, leading to the rotary motion in the molecule. Since simple secondary amines easily face the inversion process at room temperature, aziridine is selected as the initial driver for the molecular motion. The most obvious finding from this study is that, following the displacement of the substituent attached to the aziridine nitrogen atom, two rotary motions occurr in the molecule, one clockwise and another counterclockwise with a 39.52 to 150.09° angle domain.
A. A. Ryadun, V. A. Trifonov, V. A. Nadolinny, A. A. Pavlyuk, M. I. Rakhmanova
Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: ЭПР ионов переходных металлов, люминесценция, сцинтилляторы, кристаллы двойного молибдата, EPR of transition metal ions, luminescence, scintillators, crystals of double molybdate
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By the low-gradient Čzochralski method, both undoped and copper ion activated Li2-2 xMg2+ x(MoO4)3 crystals are grown. The charge state and structural position of impurity copper ions are determined using EPR. Investigations of the luminescence properties reveal that luminescence with a maximum at λ = 520 nm is observed for Li2-2 xMg2+ x(MoO4)3 crystals. A decrease in the temperature increases the intensity of this luminescence. It is found that the doping of Li2-2 xMg2+ x(MoO4)3 crystals with copper ions also increases the luminescence intensity with a maximum at λ = 520 nm. It is supposed that cation vacancies, which provide the charge compensation when copper ions substitute for lithium ions, are responsible for the luminescence.
R. L. Davidovich1, A. A. Udovenko1, V. Ya. Kavun1, V. B. Logvinova1, V. V. Tkachev2
1Institute of Chemistry, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia 2Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, Russia
Keywords: ниобий(V), тантал(V), фтор, 4-амино-1,2,4-триазол, кристаллическая структура, ЯМР, спектры, niobium(V), tantalum(V), fluorine, 4-amino-1,2,4-triazole, crystal structure, NMR, spectra
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4-Amino-1,2,4-triazolium hexafluoridoniobate(V) and hexafluoridotantalate(V) (C2H5N4)MF6 (M = Nb, Ta) crystallizing in the monoclinic system (space group P 21/ n ) are synthesized for the first time and their crystal structures and spectroscopic features are studied by single crystal X-ray diffraction and 1H and 19F NMR spectroscopy. The crystal structures of isostructural (C2H5N4)MF6 compounds are formed of octahedral complex [MF6]- anions (M = Nb, Ta) and monoprotonated heterocyclic 4-amino-1,2,4-triazolium cations (C2H5N4)+ organized in a three-dimensional structure via N-H⋯F and N-H⋯N hydrogen bonds. The character and types of ion motions in the fluoride sublattice of (C2H5N4)MF6 are determined in a wide temperature range.
O. G. Shakirova1, L. G. Lavrenova2,3, E. V. Korotaev2, N. V. Kuratieva2,3, F. A. Kolokolov4, A. B. Burdukov2
1Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Russia 2Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia 3Novosibirsk National Research State University, Novosibirsk, Russia 4Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia
Keywords: координационное соединение, железо(II), трис(пиразол-1-ил)метан, комплексный анион [Eu(dipic)(Hdipic)], спин-кроссовер, термохромизм, coordination compound, iron(II), tris(pyrazol-1-yl)methane, complex [Eu(dipic)(Hdipic)]anion, spin crossover, thermochromism
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An iron(II) complex with tris(pyrazol-1-yl)methane (HC(Pz)3) of the composition [Fe(HC(Pz)3))2]xEu(dipic)2(Hdipic)]x2H2O, containing an outer-sphere complex anion, is synthesized. The compound is examined by single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction, UV-Vis and IR spectroscopies, and static magnetic susceptibility. The investigation of the temperature dependence χ(T) in the temperature range 80-470 K reveals that the polycrystalline phase of the compound undergoes spin-crossover 1А1 <=> 5Т2. The transition is accompanied by thermochromism (color change pink <=> white).
U. V. Chervonova1, M. S. Gruzdev1, A. M. Kolker1, O. B. Akopova2
1Krestov Institute of Solution Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ivanovo, Russia 2Ivanovo State University, Ivanovo, Russia
Keywords: комплексы железа(III), основание Шиффа, строение, масс-спектрометрия, мезоморфизм, iron(III) complexes, Schiff base, structure, mass spectrometry, mesomorphism
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New biligand complexes of iron(III) are synthesized based on 3,4,5-tri(tetradecyloxy)benzoyloxy-4-salicylidene-N'-ethyl-N-ethylenediamine azomethine with the outer sphere NO3, PF6, Cl-, BF4, Cl4, and CNS- anions. All the target compounds are characterized by gel exclusion chromatography, elemental analysis, and electron, IR, and NMR spectroscopy. The presence of complex-forming ions is confirmed by FT-IR spectra in the far region. The formation of biligand polychelate complexes with an octahedral packing of the iron ion is observed. Phase transitions in the resulting coordination compounds are studied by differential scanning calorimetry and optical polarizing thermomicroscopy. The presence of several polymorphic crystalline modifications, as well as mesophases, is established. Mesomorphic properties are found for complexes with chloride and tetrafluoroborate anions.
A. N. Kravtsova, S. A. Suchkova, M. B. Fayn, A. V. Soldatov
Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Keywords: квантовые точки, теллурид кадмия, допирование, редкоземельные элементы, атомная и электронная структура, компьютерное моделирование, XANES спектроскопия, quantum dots, cadmium telluride, doping, rare earth elements, atomic and electronic structures, computer simulation, XANES spectroscopy
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An in silico study of semiconductor quantum dots of the CdTe family doped with atoms of rare earth elements is performed based of density functional theory. An ab initio computer design of quantum dots based on CdTe nanoparticles doped with Eu и Gd atoms is carried out. Partial densities of states of CdTe:Eu and CdTe:Gd quantum dots are calculated and analyzed. X-ray absorption near edge (XANES) spectra near the Eu K-, L1-, and L3- and Gd K-, L1-, and L3-edges of CdTe:Eu and CdTe:Gd quantum dots are calculated. The sensitivity of XANES spectroscopy for the verification of parameters of a nanosized atomic structure of quantum dots based on CdTe particles doped with atoms of rare earth elements and the determination of the local atomic structure around the atoms of rare earth elements in quantum dots is demonstrated.
V. P. Voloshin1, Yu. I. Naberukhin1,2
1Voevodsky Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia 2Novosibirsk Research State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: молекулярная динамика, структура воды, сетка водородных связей, время жизни водородных связей, molecular dynamics, water structure, hydrogen bond network, hydrogen bond lifetime
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The total lifetime distributions for hydrogen bonds in snapshots of molecular dynamics simulations of water serve as a basis to identify a class of proper hydrogen bonds. Proper bonds emerge and break up when restructuring the surrounding area of the hydrogen bond networkwhich weakly depend on the properties of this individual bond, i.e., almost randomly. Therefore, the distribution of the bond lifetimes is described by an exponential function similar to the distribution of the mean free path time in gas. It is shown that proper hydrogen bonds are strong, long-lived, and tetrahedrally oriented bonds. They account for about 80% of the bonds in each snapshot. Thus, these bonds form the basis or framework of the hydrogen bond network of water. The other, improper bonds have a substantially shorter lifetime; these are weak, bifurcated, and quickly switching bonds.
S. V. Gardionov, N. P. Shapkin, M. I. Balanov, V. V. Vasilieva, V. I. Razov, V. O. Trukhin
Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
Keywords: полиметаллоорганосилоксаны, рентгеновская дифрактометрия, позитронная аннигиляционная спектроскопия, области когерентного рассеяния, методика Миллера-Бойера, polymetalloorganosiloxanes, X-ray diffractometry, positron annihilation life-time spectroscopy, coherent scattering regions, the Miller-Boyer method
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X-ray diffractometry and positron annihilation life-time spectroscopy are applied to study the structural features of polymetallophenylsiloxane (PMOS) samples with the Si/M ratio corresponding to the metal valence state, namely, interplanar spacings ( d001), coherentscattering region (CSR) sizes, cross-section areas of polymer chains ( s ) calculated by the Miller-Boyer method, and the degree of amorphousness (β). It is demonstrated that the direct proportional dependence between the logarithm of the interplanar spacing d001 and the logarithm of the cross-section area s is observed for PMOSs. This is an inverse dependence relative to changes in the crystal chemical ion radius. The extraction of the iron ion from polyferrophenylsiloxane leads to a sharp decrease in the interplanar spacing, which turns out to be less than d 001 in polyphenylsiloxanes, and also CSR increases due to a decrease in the diameter of the polymer chain. The positron annihilation life-time spectroscopy data show the observed direct dependence of the annihilation intensity ( I3), the annihilation rate ( K3), the degree of amorphousness on the PMOS cross-section area.
S. V. Borisov, S. A. Magarill, N. V. Pervukhina
Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: кристаллографический анализ, крупные катионы Cs, Tl в сульфидах, F-подрешетки, структурный тип PbS, двумерные упорядочения позиций атомов, crystallographic analysis, large Cs and Tl cations in sulfides, F sublattices, PbS structural type, “two-dimensional” orderings of atomic positions
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The results of a crystallographic analysis of the structures of CsFe2S3, Tl2PbZrS4, and Tl2PbGeS4 with a 1:1 cation-anion ratio are used to identify a joint F sublattice for Cs and S in the first compound and two separate F sublattices for cations and anions in the second compound (the PbS structural type). The substitution of the small Ge4+ (with its tetrahedral coordination by sulfur) for Zr4+ in the composition results in an increase in the unit cell volume, i.e., a decrease in the packing density for both cations and anions in the structure of the third compound. In the absence of regular F sublattices, there are “two-dimensional” orderings, typical of the PbS type, for the atomic positions in the projections of this structure.
S. V. Borisov, S. A. Magarill, N. V. Pervukhina
Keywords: кристаллографический анализ, катионные и анионные подрешетки, сульфиды с Tl и Ag, стехиометрия катион/анион, crystallographic analysis, cation and anion sublattices, sulfides with Tl and Ag, cation/anion stoichiometry
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A crystallographic analysis is conducted of the structures of orthorhombic mineral sicherite TlAg2(As,Sb)3S6, monoclinic synthetic sulfide Tl3Ag3Sb2S6 , and triclinic mineral raberite Tl5Ag4As6SbS15. In the first two structures, the large and heavy Tl+ cation forms, together with the other cations, ordered “skeletal” frameworks with F and I cation sublattices that are close to cubic ones. In the structure of raberite, the Tl and Ag cations undergo, together with the sulfur anions, two-dimensional ordering by a zone of closely packed crystallographic planes, which generate a pseudohexagonal symmetry. The deviations from the 1 cation/anion stoichiometry are compensated: in the second structure, by a local consolidation of cations (to a distance Tl-Ag = 2.96 Å) and, in the third structure, through the formation of a dumbbell pair As-Ag (2.68 Å), which occupies one position in the sublattice.
P. Jerome1, N.S.P. Bhuvanesh2, R. Karvembu1
1National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India 2Texas A & M University, Texas, USA
Keywords: trinuclear, Ni(II) pincer complex, 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid, crystal structure
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A novel trinuclear nickel(II) ONO pincer complex [Ni(pydc)2]2[Ni(H2O)5]×2H2O×2(C6H15N) (1) (H2pydc = 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid) is synthesized by the reaction between Ni(OAc)2 and H2pydc in acetonitrile in the presence of triethylamine. A detailed study through single crystal XRD reveals that the compound crystallizes in the triclinic space group P -1 with cell parameters a = 11.6646(3) Å, b = 14.0999(4) Å, c = 16.4633(5) Å, a = 80.189(2)°, b = 75.539(2)°, g = 67.017(2)°. Both terminal Ni(II) centers are coordinated to two ONO pincer ligands (pydc) bridged by the nickel penta aqua unit. Further, triethyl ammonium neutralizes the trinuclear complex.
E. Mehdipour1, H. Bahrami1, S. Shamaei2, V. Amani2
1Lorestan University, Khoramabad, Iran 2Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: crystal structure, palladium(II) complex, 4-toluenesulfonyl-L-serine, 2,2'-dipyridylamine, thermal gravimetric, differential thermal analyses, luminescent properties
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The [Pd(dpa)(tsser)] complex (1) is prepared from the reaction of PdCl2 and 2,2'-dipyridylamine (dpa) with 4-toluenesulfonyl-L-serine (tsserH2). This complex is characterized by spectral methods (IR, UV-Vis, 1H NMR, and luminescence), elemental analysis, thermal analysis (TG, DTA), and single crystal X-ray diffraction. X-ray structure determinations show that in this complex, PdII atoms are four-coordinated in a distorted square-planar configuration by two N atoms from a bidentate 2,2'-dipyridylamine ligand and one N atom and one O atom from a bidentate tsser2- ligand.
E. E. Netreba
Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Russia
Keywords: лантан, спирокарбон, моноядерный, билигандный, комплекс, структура, ИК, РСА, РФА, lanthanum, spirocarbon, mononuclear, biligand, complex, structure, IR, single crystal XRD, powder XRD
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For the first time, a mononuclear biligand complex of lanthanum nitrate with bicyclic bisurea (4,4,10,10-tetramethyl-1,3,7,9-tetraazospiro[5.5]undecane-2,8-dione, or spirocarbon, Sk) [La(C11H20N4O2)2(H2O)2× ×(NO3)3] (I) is synthesized and its structure is determined by direct single crystal XRD. The crystals of I are monoclinic: space group P 21/ c , a = 11.1989(15) Å, b = 13.015(2) Å, c = 24.153(2) Å, b = 101.129(12)°, V = 3454.3(8) Å3, d calc = 1.618 g/cm3, Z = 4, CCDC 985760. The structure is molecular. The lanthanum cation is coordinated by two oxygen atoms of two organic ligand molecules, two water molecules, and three bidentate nitrate anions. The coordination number of lanthanum is ten; the coordination polyhedron is an irregular 10-vertex polyhedron. The crystal of I represents a non-merohedral twin with the components turned by 180° along the a axis; the relative weights of the components are 0.76:0.24. To confirm the purity of the sample of I, the powder XRD pattern was refined using the Rietveld method; the unit cell parameters at room temperature are as follows: a = 11.2777(4) Å, b = 13.0774(5) Å, c = 24.3453(9) Å, b = 101.129(3)°, V = 3523.0(2) Å3.
I. A. Litvinov, Yu. K. Voronina, I. V. Galyametdinova, M. S. Shashin, V. E. Semenov, V. S. Reznik
Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Kazan, Russia
Keywords: ксимедон, молекулярная структура, кристаллическая структура, нековалентные взаимодействия, I…π взаимодействия, электронная структура, топологический анализ, xymedone, molecular structure, crystal structure, noncovalent interactions, I…π interactions, electronic structure, topological analysis
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The structure of xymedone iodo methylate is determined by X-ray crystallography. The molecular and crystal structure of the compound is analyzed in comparison with xymedone whose X-ray crystallographic data have been obtained previously. The molecular and electronic structures of both compounds and noncovalent interactions in the ionic pair of xymedone iodo methylate are analyzed using the data of the quantum topological calculations. It is shown that the presence of the iodine anion results in an increase in the delocalization of the p electron density inside the heterocyclic moiety, the charge redistribution inside the molecule, and consequently, in significant distinctions in crystal packings.
Yu. A. Mirgorod
South West State University, Kursk, Russia
Keywords: малоугловое рентгеновское рассеяние, триацетат гадолиния, ундекан, вода, гидротропы, ламеллярные мицеллы, критический параметр упаковки, кооперативный эффект, small-angle X-ray scattering, gadolinium triacetate, undecane, water, hydrotropes, lamellar micelles, critical packing parameter, cooperative effect
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By small-angle X-ray scattering a gadolinium triacetate-undecane-water system is studied at hydrotrope concentrations of 0.05-0.5 М on the line of saturation with undecane at 298 K. In the ternary system mixed hydrotrope/undecane lamellar micelles form with lateral dimensions of hydrophilic and hydrophobic plates of 0.4 nm. It is shown that the Gibbs energy of the hydrophobic interaction and the micelle shape are determined by a joint (cooperative) effect of the hydrotrope and hydrocarbon on water.
M. A. Fedotov†
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
, Ru
, Rh
, Pd
, Os
, Pt ЯМР
, комплексы платиновых металлов, водные растворы, координатный сдвиг, неорганические лиганды, аминокислотные лиганды, радиоактивные отходы, Pt NMR
, platinum metal complexes, aqueous solutions, coordinate shift, inorganic ligands, amino acid ligands, radioactive waste
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The review includes comprehensive NMR data on platinum metals (99,101Ru, 103Rh, 105Pd, 187Os, 195Pt) and ligand donor atoms (1H, 13C, 14,15N, 17O, 19F, 31P) of metal complexes in aqueous solutions. A systematic analysis of NMR spectroscopy techniques is presented with focus on the measurements of NMR parameters in these systems. A novel concept referred to as coordinate shift is introduced, allowing interpretation of NMR spectra of platinum metal complexes. The review contains an encyclopedic NMR database covering a period of over 50 years from the first measured NMR spectra of platinum metals to 2014.
F.R. Nikmaram
Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: boron, silicon, C fullerene, H radial distribution, Monte Carlo
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The radial distribution of hydrogen on C20(cage) and C19Si(cage), and C19B(cage) fullerene structures is investigated at different temperatures (273, 293, 320, and 400 K) for the pressure range between 1 MPa and 30 MPa using the (N,V,T) Monte Carlo simulation. The gravimetric storage capacity and radial distribution function parameters show that, under the identical temperature and pressure conditions, the magnitude of the hydrogen radial distribution on the C19B surface is larger than that on C19Si and C20. The calculated maximum of the gravimetric storage capacity for C19B at 273 K and 30 MPa is 7.6 %.
A. S. Sukhikh1,2, T. V. Basova1,2, S. A. Gromilov1,2
1Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Siberian Branch , Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia 2Novosibirsk National Research State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: фталоцианин кобальта, рентгенографическое исследование тонких пленок, cobalt phthalocyanine, X-ray diffraction study of thin films
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A procedure of the X-ray diffraction study of thin layers using a single crystal X-ray diffractometer equipped with a microfocus tube is described. It is demonstrated that a-cobalt phthalocyanine layers deposited by thermal vacuum evaporation onto polished surfaces of substrates (glass, quartz) have a perfectly oriented polycrystalline structure. The (00 l ) planes of all crystallites are oriented along the surface of the substrate. The structural organization of layers is analyzed.
V. V. Tkachev1, Yu. A. Sayapin2,3, G. V. Shilov1, V. N. Komissarov2, S. M. Aldoshin1, V. I. Minkin2,3
1Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, Russia 2Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia 3Southern Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Keywords: трополоны, внутримолекулярная водородная связь, рентгеноструктурный анализ, tropolones, intramolecular hydrogen bond, single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis
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The structure of 5,7-di( tert -butyl)-2-(6,8-dimethyl-4-chloroquinoline-2-yl)-3-hydroxytropone with a hydrogen atom, possibly equally distributed over two N and O centers and involved in the intramolecular hydrogen bond, is determined by the single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis.
S. P. Khranenko1, N. V. Kuratieva1,2, I. V. Korolkov1,2, S. A. Gromilov1,2
1Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia 2Novosibirsk National Research State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: свинец, кобальт, комплекс, рентгеноструктурный анализ, рентгенофазовый анализ, кристаллохимия, lead, cobalt, complex, single crystal X-ray diffraction study, powder X-ray diffraction study, crystal chemistry
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The structure of [Pb3(OH)4Co(NO2)3](NO3)(NO2)×2H2O is determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The crystallographic characteristics are as follows: a = 8.9414(4) Å, b = 14.5330(5) Å, c = 24.9383(9) Å, V = 3240.6(2) Å3, space group Pbca , Z = 8. The Co(III) atoms have a slightly distorted octahedral coordination formed by three nitrogen atoms belonging to nitro groups (Co-Nav is 1.91 Å) and three oxygen atoms belonging to hydroxyl groups (Co-Oav is 1.93 Å). The hydroxyl groups act as m3-bridges between the metal atoms. The geometric characteristics are analyzed and the packing motif is determined.
N. Ouerfelli1,2, M.F. Zid1
1Universite de Tunis El Manar, El Manar II, Tunis, Tunisia 2Universite de Tunis Carthage, BP 64-7021 - Zarzouna (Bizerte), Tunisia
Keywords: calcium hydrogenphosphate, polymorphs, synthesis, single crystal X-ray diffraction, monetite, crystal structure
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A novel form of anhydrous dicalcium phosphate CaHPO4 (monetite) is synthesized hydrothermally and characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction. It crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group Ccm 21 with a = 6.242(1) Å, b = 6.994(2) Å, c = 7.003(3) Å, V = 305.73(16) Å3 and it has four independent unit formulas in the unit cell ( Z = 4). A three-dimensional crystal structure can be described by {HPO4} n infinite zigzag chains linked by Ca-O bonds. The comparison to the crystal structures of other polymorphs is given.
H. Chebbi1,2, Smail R. Ben1,3, M.F. Zid1
1Universite de Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia 2Universite de Monastir, Monastir, Tunisia 3Universite de Carthage, Nabeul, Tunisia
Keywords: organic dichromate, synthesis, single crystal X-ray diffraction, crystal structure
Abstract >>
Single crystals of 1-cyclohexylpiperazine-1,4-diium dichromate(VI), (C10H22N2)[Cr2O7], were obtained by slow evaporation at room temperature from an aqueous solution of potassium dichromate, hydrochloric acid and 1-cyclohexylpiperazine. (C10H22N2)[Cr2O7] is triclinic ( P ) with a = 10.351(2) Å, b = 12.766(3) Å, c = 6.111(1) Å, a = 91.50(2)°, b = 104.26(3)°, g = 94.91(2)°, V = 778.8(3) Å3, and Z = 2. The structure determination performed from single crystal X-ray diffraction data leads to R 1/ wR 2 reliability factors of 0.032/0.078. The asymmetric unit of the title salt consists of one 1-cyclohexylpiperazine-1,4-diium dication and one dichromate dianion. These entities are linked together by N-H⋯O hydrogen bonds to form {(C10H22N2)[Cr2O7]} n infinite chains lying parallel to the (100) plane and running along the c axis. The intermolecular N-H⋯O hydrogen bonds link these chains into a two-dimensional network structure consolidated through C-H⋯O weak interactions.