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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2016 year, number 2

Burning carbon monoxide in the settling chamber of a hotshot wind tunnel for obtaining the CO2 test gas

V.V. Shumskii1 and M.I. Yaroslavtsev1,2
1Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
E-mail:, yaroslav@itam.nsc. ru
Keywords: hotshot wind tunnel, settling chamber, test gas, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide
Pages: 195–200


A method of formation and heating of СО2 as a test gas in the settling chamber of a hotshot wind tunnel is considered. To form and heat СО2, the chamber is filled with a source gas mixture of СО, О2, and СО2, and after initiation, these substances participate in an exothermic chemical reaction in accordance with the formula СО + 0.5 О2 + х СО2 = (1 + х)СО2. A stoichiometric ratio of the concentrations of carbon monoxide CO and oxygen is used. Variation of the number of moles x of ballast CO2 in the left part of the chemical formula allows changing the temperature of the resultant test gas in a wide range. Experiments in the IT-302M hotshot wind tunnel carried out at ITAM SB RAS have shown that a pressure increase during an isochoric process in the settling chamber due to the joint effect of heat released in the reaction СО + 0.5 О2 and an electric charge provides the completeness of CO combustion almost equal to unity. The time of reaction completion at its initiation by an electric arc is no more than several milliseconds.

DOI: 10.1134/S0869864316020050