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"Philosophy of Education"

2015 year, number 6


E. A. Erokhina
Institute of Philosophy and Law of SB RAS, 8, Nikolaeva St., Novosibirsk, Russia, 630090
Keywords: образование, мигранты, резиденты, адаптация, интеграция, education, migrants, residents, adaptation, integration


The author demonstrates the dynamics of the attitude of the expert community to the problem of adaptation and integration of migrants on the example of changes in the migration legislation of the Russian Federation, the emergence of new educational practices. In the article the problems and the prospects of educational space are presented as a part of interaction between the «newcomers», representatives of ethnic groups, and the «locals», the representatives of the host community, and are considered in two aspects. In the aspect of adult education we are talking about the need to improve the legal framework and practices of certification of foreign citizens to obtain a patent for work in Russia. In the aspect of the education of migrant children we are talking about the difficulties faced by the education system and groups of schools with the multinational structure of pupils. The presented material contains the findings of sociological research aimed at identifying the strategies of mutual adaptation of migrants and the host community.On the basis of analysis of the statistical data obtained from the survey of ethnic migrants from neighboring countries and representatives of the host community, several significant conclusions are made. In the sphere of interpersonal relations it is obvious that ethnic migrants are striving to reduce the distance with the host community, but the «locals» remain indifferent to their efforts. Eventually, adaptation measures are necessary to both parties: migrants and the host community. The activity of state structures (including FMS), aimed at the incorporation of immigrants from neighboring countries into the structure of Russian society, is insufficient. The efforts of scientific and pedagogical intelligentsia will not yield a positive result unless on the regional and municipal levels there are formed expert network undertaking ethnosocial monitoring. Besides, appropriate programs are necessary to facilitate the adaptation of children of different nationalities to the educational space, cooperation between the two categories of the population in the framework of territorial public self-awareness in the media, including in terms of the presentation of the objective criminal statistics, both about the ones which are committed by migrants and in relation to them. These measures should be implemented in a comprehensive manner and focused not only on migrants, but also on the host society.