L. N. Yakovenko
prof. I. I. Ivanov Kursk State Academy of Agriculture, 70, Karl Marx St., Kursk, Russia, 305021
Keywords: философия образования, устойчивое развитие, прагматическая педагогика, ценности образования, профессиональное образование, гуманистическая парадигма, philosophy of education, sustainable development, pragmatic pedagogics, education values, vocational education, humanistic paradigm
The article is devoted to the presently topical subject of formation of value orientations of Russian education in the context of sustainable development and strengthening of the influence of pragmatism. The idea is substantiated of preservation of national traditions of education, while taking into account the best experience of pedagogics of pragmatism. In article there are analyzed the purposes of upbringing of the student’s personality on the basis of educational standards, whose achievement is a condition of effective reforming of Russian education. It is shown that scientific discussion concerning preservation of national identity in higher education integrates new understanding of the limits of cultural imitation. The author focuses attention on the historical roots of the Russian professional education, humanistic orientation and formation of the integral personality. Besides, there is considered in the article the significance of ancient philosophy, within which the West European culture and pragmatism were gradually formed. An analysis of the views of researchers on the essence of the paradigm of education is carried out in the article. It is shown that the practical orientation of education, the connections between theory and practice are reflected in the didactic principles of pedagogy. However, focusing only on studying the sciences that are useful to profession with reducing the humanistic role of education is not typical for the national education system, because it depreciates the cultural values which have always been the foundation of society. On the basis of studying the present educational paradigms in philosophy and pedagogics, a conclusion is made about aspiration of domestic scientists and teachers to search for the best concept of training and development of youth. The ideas of pragmatic education can be considered as a means of strengthening of interaction of cultures in the field of sustainable development. In conclusion, the significance is noted of the considered problem for determining the future development of education, taking into account the objectives of entering the world educational space, when the best choice is the traditional classical education system and a modern interpretation of pragmatism.