T. S. Kosenko, N. N. Vlasyuk
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, 28, Viluiskaya St., Novosibirsk, Russia, 630126
Keywords: ценности, общество, воспитание, традиции, толерантность, реформы, values, society, upbringing, traditions, tolerance, reforms
In this article the authors analyze the problem the modern system of upbringing, which form the values of the young generation of the Russian society. The authors tried to answer the question: to what extent the formation of the value reference points of the modern system of upbringing helps or hinders the further development of the country? The search for the spiritual foundations of modern Russia brings to the problem of value changes correlated with the processes of globalization. Globalization, the essential basis of which is the information revolution, has a decisive influence on all states and, in particular, Russia. In the globalization processes, we can observed, on one hand, the cross-cultural interaction and interpenetration of economies, but, on the other hand, the society experiences spiritual crisis, artificial imposing of other values, concepts, the projects ignoring national traditions, strengthening of religious fundamentalism etc. Therefore, the Russian political and public forces are facing an urgent problem of rehabilitation of the discourse on values and, respectively, on the upbringing system. Raising the question about the values which should be cultivated by the modern system of upbringing in the Russian society for its further successful development, it is necessary to take into account, first, the realism of the system of values: if a system of values does not reflect the reality, but is just declarative, then it will simply not be believed. Second, Western culture is inherently dehumanizing, it forms the basic values of neoliberalism: the lack of spirituality, selfishness, success and profit at all costs, brutality and aggression in the relationships between people, which eventually leads to the destruction of the national public consciousness. The author concludes that it is necessary to convey to the younger generations the role of these anti-values, because it is impossible to get rid of the expansion of Western culture; it is necessary to preserve the traditional cultural and spiritual values and very accurately combine them with innovations (positive achievements of the West); we must remember the traditional values of the East and be very prudent.