V. V. Petrov1,2, N. V. Nalivayko1,3
1Institute of Philosophy and Law of the SB RAS, 8, Nikolaeva St., Novosibirsk, Russia, 630090 2Novosibirsk State University, 2, Pirogova St., Novosibirsk, Russia, 630090 3Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, 28, Viluiskaya St., Novosibirsk, Russia, 630126
Keywords: общество знания, информационное общество, глобализация, модернизация, система образования, инновационное образование, ценностные основания, формирование личности, knowledge society, information society, globalization, modernization, education system, innovative education, value foundations, formation of personality
The systemic crisis, which took place in Russia at the turn of the century, led to a complete change of axiological reference points that have changed the direction of the education system development. Consequently, there arose methodological and ontological problems related to the new social role of knowledge, which ceased to be only the prerogative of the scientific production, since their use is now seen as strengthening the capacity of the society to practical action. The contradictions in today's education system are developing, their essence is deepening; there is no coordination interaction between them. Bringing together these contradictions is possible only on the basis of a deep philosophical analysis that allows creating a system of social development in the changed socio-cultural conditions. A special role of the education system lies in the production and dissemination of knowledge and information: the need to update the personal and professional competence requires constant training and restructuring the education institutions to meet the requirements of the cognitive dynamics of society, whereas the organization and content of education presupposes the activation of innovative technologies. Unfortunately, today the domestic higher education system, for the most part, produces not the highly qualified professionals ready to work in new conditions of the changing society, but the graduates with a diploma; although the demand for highly qualified personnel remains quite high. In times of crisis, the change of priorities of the development of modern education in general is possible due to changes in axiological reference points associated with the formation of socially adaptive person capable not only of «replicating and copying» the gained knowledge, but also of creating and developing new knowledge, able to actively participate in social life and change it, while being focused on self-reproduction, self-preservation and self-development of the society as such. Such an education system with the changed axiological priorities can be the basis of the emerging knowledge society.