D. M. Rymanov
Semey State Medical University, 103, Abay St., Semey, Kazakhstan, 071400
Keywords: философия управления, гносеология, антропология, этика, philosophy of management, gnoseology, anthropology, ethics
The philosophy of management is a new field of philosophical knowledge of the applied character, having two foundations: the «novelty» and «practical applicability», which play both negative and positive roles. On one hand, this situation provides numerous opportunities for the study of some problems of management, and, on the other, adds a kind of uncertainty into the research field. The third difficulty and, at the same time, a positive factor, having the heuristic character, is the experience of implementation in the educational process. A way out of this situation is the consideration of the management philosophy through the prism of anthropological, epistemological and ethical foundations. The results of consideration of the anthropological, gnoseological and ethical foundations of the management philosophy lead to the following conclusions: 1) it is necessary to introduce the philosophy of management into the educational process, because its function is the humanization of management that can be achieved with the help of methodological tools of philosophical anthropology; 2) the «management philosophy» as philosophy itself, is situated in an interdisciplinary field that allows it to make generalized conclusions and find the necessary relationships with different areas of knowledge; 3) the gnoseological foundations of the theory of management are in the field of decision-making, risks and uncertainties, which involves the use of not only of logic as a branch of philosophical knowledge, but also the exact sciences; 4) when considering the ethical foundations, one should understand that ethics is a field of philosophical knowledge, which studies morality and ethics, allowing a deeper understanding of the processes of human relationships which, in turn, cannot be reduced only to the consumer or pragmatic actions.