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"Philosophy of Education"

2015 year, number 6


A. A. Tarasova
Siberian Transport University, 191, D. Kovalchuk St., Novosibirsk, Russia, 630049
Keywords: диалог, познание, образование, наука, взаимодействие, коммуникация, сверхсложная система, бизнес-сообщество, потребитель, преобразование, dialogue, cognition, education, science, interaction, communication, highly-complicated system, business community, consumer, transformation


In the article the existence of educational system as a special kind of dialogue is considered, its main participants are defined, the ways and consequences of their interaction are considered. The main streams of cognition of universe are identified, while defining the role of scientific, logic-based, value-related knowledge as an educational basis. The article contains an analysis of specifics of the conditions of realization of communicative competences of scientists and teachers. For example, a scientist constantly finds himself not only on intersection of several communication channels (with the object of research, scientific team, predecessors and contemporaries - the carriers of knowledge in his/her fields) but also on the intersection of two words: of scientists and non-scientists. The modern educational system is defined as an open, self-organizing, nonlinear developing system, which elementary structural units (as a result of using the structural analysis method) are as follows: «scientist - teacher» and «teacher - specialist». Then, in terms of A. Moll’s theory of communication there are revealed the problems of understanding between those units and possibility of their further mutual influence. So, the correlation between the set of ideas of a sender and the set of ideas of a recipient can be presented differently: (1) partial coincidence; 2) coincidence in the major part; 3) absence of intersections; 4) the recipient’s set is completely included into the sender’s set. We pose a question about the conditions of realization of «co-existence» of scientist and teacher, answering to which becomes impossible without taking into account the role of a third participant of the dialogue, the business community. In the light of those tendencies like the transition to the post-industrial society and the knowledge economy, strengthening of market orientation in the educational and scientific systems, increasing of the scales of cultural interaction, actualization of civil education etc., there are determined the areas of common interest of education, science and business. Using the method of comparative analysis, there are distinguished parallel tendencies and common fields of their interaction: rapid redistribution of resources in the production sphere, training of comprehensively educated high qualified specialists; attention to active, non-rich consumers, widening of scholarship and grant programs; necessity of cooperation on different levels, creation of interdisciplinary, interuniversity teams, international project and research teams and etc. In conclusion of the article, we present reasoning about the necessity of certain specialization of knowledge, while simultaneously increasing of the need in mastering the universum as a whole, in building of a holistic world picture.