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"Philosophy of Education"

2015 year, number 4

Problems of modern education in the context of globalization processes

A. S. Begalinov1, K. K. Begalinova2
1Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, 28 Viluiskaya St., Novosibirsk, Russia, 630126
2K. Satpaev Kazakh National Technical University, 22a Satpaev St., Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, 050013
Keywords: образование, глобализация, информатизация, модернизация, технократизм, гуманизация, гуманитаризация, профессионализм, education, globalization, computerization, modernization, technocratism, humanization, humanitarization, professionalism


The article analyzes the problems of modern education in the context of globalization and informatization of the society. We consider the modernization processes taking place in Kazakhstan's educational space. According to the authors, they include: aspiration to a democratic system of education, that is, the accessibility of education to the entire population of the country and the continuity of its stages and levels; granting autonomy and independence of educational institutions; a significant impact of socio-economic factors on education (fee-based forms of education), and others. The features of humanization and humanitarization of modern education are shown. Today we need to talk about a new stage of humanization. This is due to aggravation of global problems of modern civilization: the problem of international terrorism which became a problem of acute world-view and methodological character, the problem of modern environmental situation; the anthropological problem which acquired the first priority; the excessive mechanization of society, threatening to turn into an inhumane paradigm of social development. These and other factors encourage to re-evaluate the role of humanities, to pay attention to the innovative techniques and methods of teaching, and, in general, to the questions of education and training of the younger generation. The social-humanitarian component is represented by a cycle of philosophical and world-view-related disciplines aimed at studying the history and theory of the human being as a special spiritual creature, the upbringing of the person. Philosophy also promotes the intellectual, moral and aesthetic development of the personality of future professions, upbringing the human capacity to a wide but at the same time profound, essential vision of the professional problems, their moral evaluation. Only a wide-minded person, assessing his/her own activity both from the perspective of professional expediency and in terms of general human values of truth, goodness and beauty, can become a true professional.