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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2015 year, number 4

Thermodynamic analysis of marble from Slyudyanka depositsВ 

V.S. Engelsht1В and V.Zh. Muratalieva2

1Institute of Physical and Technical Problems and Material Science NAS KR, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

2Kyrgyz State Technical University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan


Keywords: thermodynamic analysis, marble, monolith, heating, melting
Pages: 509–514


The authors have studied the change in the component composition of wollastonite marble from Slyudyanka deposits at increasing pressure (p = 0.1-12000 MPa) and temperature (T = 300-6000 K). Metamorphism of marble maturation has been found. The essence of maturation is the calcite melting, carbon dioxide deposition, the monolith compaction, the transformation of mineral composition at pressure increase up to the value of the initial components. When the pressure value reaches 12000 MPa the original components are reproduced, and the maturation of marble completes. Thermodynamic analysis reveals the secrets of the marble origin.