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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2015 year, number 4

Mathematical modelling of heat transfer process inВ layered materials accounting for phase transitions in individual layers

O.N. Lyubimova and K.N. Pestov

Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia

Keywords: phase transition of the first kind, thermal conductivity, melting, crystallization
Pages: 491–499


A mathematical model has been constructed for determining the temperature fields and motion of the phase transition boundaries without using the classical Stefan condition and the concentrated heat capacity. The model makes it possible to determine more accurately the location of the phase transition front and may be used at the computations for layered materials in the cases when there are several fronts, and they can merge. The modeling of the problem on determining the melting boundary in a three-layer material has been carried out for the one-dimensional case.