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"Philosophy of Education"

2014 year, number 5


A. A. Danchay-ool1,2
1A. I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, Moika River embankment, St. Petersburg, 191186
2Tuva State University, Lenin str., 5, 203, Kyzyl, Republic of Tuva, 667000
Keywords: civilization, education, culture, dialectics

Abstract >>
The article examines the impact of modern civilizational processes on the formation of educational paradigm. In modern conditions of globalization and standardization of social production, there arises a contradiction in the structure of the education system, society and culture. There are created and disseminated the so-called universal values. Through the transmission of a new axiological system, there is formed a new generation which has no unity with the specific historical and cultural space. The negative role of unification is indicated, because of which the need for unity of different national cultures in their diversity is negated. The author defines the role of holistic humanitarian education, built in accordance with the national cultural characteristics. This system makes it possible to carry out spiritual production in society in relation to the specific historical conditions that generates an adequate value system. The man-creating essence of the education system is emphasized, rather than its task of forming future professionals for the process of material production. The classical education system has its roots in the structure of spiritual education, and has been formed for a long time under the influence of philosophical systems. In the period of rapid development of natural sciences, the criterion of truth started to be based on rational-logical and consistent forms of thinking, which is also a result of influence of the civilizational processes of social being. Dialectical thinking, where contradiction is a starting point of knowledge, allows revealing all the potentialities of the younger generation which are in the richness of a particular culture. The excessive aspiration to the abstract in the education system does not allow connecting a large amount of information with the surrounding reality, seeing the unity of various processes of life. The article also focuses on the dialectical unity of the individual and «symphonic» personality, specifies the dialectical relationship between the individual and the collective, determines an inextricable link between the individual personality and the specific historical form of social community. They dialectically interpenetrate and condition each other. Formation of personality affects the entire community, and vice versa. Construction of a particular education system should be based on concrete historical forms of culture and spirituality. This will allow the younger generation absorbing all the wealth of the world culture without tearing the roots to the national culture. The article examines the impact of global civilizational processes on the formation of educational paradigm. The crisis of culture and society as a whole is indicted due to inclusion of economic interests into all spheres, including education.


V. V. Pavlovsky
Krasnoyarsk State Agricultural University, etc. Mira, 90, Krasnoyarsk, 660049
Keywords: new historical situation, revival of Russia, new cold war, globalization of education, Bologna process, the phenomenon of Crimea–2014, e–learning, foreignness of the Bologna process to Russian education, degradation of domestic education, Eurasian development path of the educational system of Russia, cooperation with Chinese and other Oriental educational systems

Abstract >>
The article aims at analyzing the new historical situation in the world and in Russia and peculiarities of the further development of the educational system of the country as its objective result. The paper researches the essential features of the new historical situation, which have already been developing for about six years. A significant event in the history of 2014 was entering of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol into Russian Federation as an expression of political will of the Crimean and Russian peoples, the decisive actions of the State governing body. The civil war of the fascists, nationalists and Russophobes in Ukraine against the population of country’s South-East near the Russian border reveals the depth of contradictions between the neo-imperialism of the West and the reviving Russia. Nowadays the proportions between the political, economic and social forces of the West and the East are transforming. During this period Russia has proved by its actions to be one of the world leading powers. In its turn, the educational system of the country is its strategic potential, a powerful factor of national security. In the light of the new historical situation the author emphasizes the need to reformate the Russian system of education, taking into account its Eurasian position and role, and the need of critical attitude toward the Bologna process as well.


E. F. Moroz
Siberian fire-rescue Academy, Str. North, 1, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, 662971, Russia
Keywords: global security, globalization, the concept of global security, education system, integration

Abstract >>
In the article the author studies the basic parameters, institutions and mechanisms of global security in the modern era: the essence and the effectiveness, and also identifies current problems of providing global security in view of the processes of increasing globalization and determines the significance of education as a crucial factor of ensuring global security. Modern challenges and threats are ranked and categorized by the content, degree, level, vectors, in close relationship with the geopolitical coordinates. Their detailed monitoring is the cornerstone basis of the process of forming of the universal global security structure. The specificity of the global security is a large-scale decomposition of the planetary geopolitical space, opening a new era in the world development, the parameters of which are only being formed at the moment. Note that the global, regional, national security, in addition to the traditional military aspect, includes the factors such as economic, environmental, energy, information, food, population, radiation, ethno-cultural safety, as well as the safety against the spreading of infectious diseases, etc. A specificity of the approach to understanding global security is that the priority is given to the interests of humans in close relationship and interdependence with the problems of education. Russia's security is provided, in particular, by the means of education policy, which is regarded as a special sphere of the state and local government. Educational policy defines the strategy and tactics of education. Currently the process of integration of the domestic education into the global educational system is underway. In the context of integration and globalization, the role of education in addressing the problems of modernization of Russia and its national security increases and becomes a priority. Undoubtedly, the typical trend of modern development is the aspiration of countries to deepen the international integration processes. The experience of training specialists and their international upbringing, which was accumulated by the socialist countries, is of great importance for these processes. Thus, an important role in today's global security is played not only by multilateral mechanisms and international institutions with a mandate of ensuring the international security, the prevention and resolution of conflicts, but also by such institutions as education.


L. V. Kozhenova
St. Petersburg APPO, Lomonosova St., 11-13, St. Petersburg, 191002
Keywords: power, ressentiment, resistance, comparison, weakness, infirmity, rage, falsehood, morality, illusiveness

Abstract >>
In the article the phenomenon of ressentiment in the modern social space and the education system as its component is analyzed. The psychological and socio-historical causes and effects of ressentiment are determined. The aspects of modern educational structure promoting spreading of this phenomenon within educational space are revealed. The conditions which exclude the ressentiment-provoking factors are emphasized. The definition of ressentiment given by F. Nietzsche is constructed on a metaphor of opposition of aristocratic morals and the morals of ressentiment, which is a peculiar form of resistance to the psychological discomfort caused by the awareness of one’s own weakness. According to F. Nietzsche, the phenomenon of ressentiment is a manifestation of «will to power» of the «low-class» person. The factor, which sets ressentiment onto a social orbit, is the status economic success. In the new-European society it plays a role of a social ideal. According to M. Scheler, the environment for the formation of ressentiment moods becomes favorable, if everyone has a right to compare him/herself with everyone; the formal democracy aggravates the situation, and ressentiment is fixed as a social phenomenon. In the classical modern system education there are both an external ideal for aspirations (the successful pupil), competition (the bad - good pupil) and equality of rights. There arises a direction of consciousness, which is driven by the desire to surpass the reality as a phase. Thus, the substantive goals appear as “intermediate stations” on the road to a “larger significance”. Such aspiration to signify more than others becomes a steady breeding ground for the development and establishment of ressentiment. In this context, good grades become the main goal in education, whereas knowledge, an accompanying goal in the best case. The progressivist side of the ressentiment morals is considered by M. Scheler as “an overturn in the eternal order of the material ethics of values”. F. Nietzsche calls it «falsification of the value tables». The Gestalt approach assumes that ressentiment does not arise when the «bad-good», «better-worse» comparisons are not used. It is obvious that only on one’s own basis it is possible to build one’s future; it is impossible to construct it on somebody else’s one, though more «profound». Also it is impossible to create reality on the ressentiment basis, which is fictional, made up. M. N. Malinkin, Pak Cher-Ung consider that it is necessary to regard ressentiment as a subject for sociological researches in the field of epistemic-logical approaches and the action theory for weakening the reasons that provoke it, for attenuation of its consequences, which is topical and important for modern education.


O. V. Tsiguleva
General I.K. Yakovlev Novosibirsk Military Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Klyuch-Kamishenskoye plato, 6/2, Novosibirsk, 630114
Keywords: professional mobility, private higher education institution, individual approach, innovation, distance learning, international orientation, competence approach, professional competence

Abstract >>
In the article mobility is considered as one of the basic conditions for development of private higher education today. The author believes that success of professional mobility of the future specialist depends on his/her specific traits and the levels of qualifications, which is the result of educational activity in the conditions created by the higher education institution. The paper highlights the distinctive features of educational process in the private higher education institution, contributing to the development of professional mobility of the future specialist. For example, one of distinctive features of the educational process in the non-government higher education institution is that it focuses not only on the request from the state, but also to the ever increasing demands of the individual and the public educational demand for specific interests. Private universities are more flexible in meeting the needs of the population. The programs in private universities are more flexible and adapt to permanent changes in the labor market. It is private universities that have first established the training programs for civil servants. In many private higher education institutions, there is a possibility of obtaining the first and second higher education at the same time. There is such possibility in the public higher education institutions as well, but the private ones are more flexible in making the transition curricula and introduction of additional courses (e.g., the foreign language ones). Another positive factor is the close cooperation of private universities with the sphere of business. The reputable private higher education institutions have job placement service which provides undergraduates, graduates the opportunity to select the job, even in prestigious companies. In addition, the non-government higher education institutions give preference to the teachers who have extensive practical experience in teaching. Many teachers in private higher education institutions are also the heads of large companies, which means that their students can apply for an internship at a prestigious firm, and even get a job there. A distinctive feature of the private higher education institution, in our opinion, is the integration with foreign universities. In addition, private universities pay special attention to the work with schools. The dynamic reaction of the non-government institutions to the changes in the labor market, the growing demands of the individual and the public education demand contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the private higher education institutions.


N. V. Skachkova
Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Kiyevskaya ulitsa, 60À, Tomsk, 634061
Keywords: training, professional socialization, professional competence, methodology of design education, social orientation

Abstract >>
The article deals with the socio-cultural preconditions of formation of the perspective tasks to be solved by man in the global, unstable and volatile world, associated with the formation of a new global post-industrial economy. A special attention is paid to the necessity of activating intellectual capabilities and creative abilities to implement the reform activities and to design the surrounding world of objects of the new formation. In this regard, the design is considered by the author as a phenomenon, covering all areas of life, aiming at the construction of object-spatial environment of social orientation, whereas the design education is characterized as a system of specialized training of the competitive professional with imaginative thinking, creativity and productivity, capable of solving non-standard problems and generate creative ideas that meet the demands of the consumers. The author proposes a methodology for designing competence-oriented modules of the basic educational programs of vocational training of such specialists, based on the principle of hierarchical interaction: professional competence - specific competences - professional goals - learning objectives. The major components are identified of the content of professional competence of the teacher of vocational training in the field of design. A social-cultural aspect of the proposed by the author methodology of design education is presented in an article by means of exploring possible ways of socialization of students in the process of training in the pedagogical higher education institution in the period of post-industrial transformation. The author explicated the socialization process as adaptation and internalization, analyzed the possibility of achieving different levels of professional socialization in the process of preparing a BA in design. It is proposed to consider the author’s experience of organizing the school and extracurricular activities of design and engineering students, which allows you to run the mechanisms of the professional adaptation and professional socialization of future bachelors at the stage of training: to live in the profession, to dive into the world of professional practice and professional thinking, aware of the relationship between content educational process and professional activities in their unity and social context. The methodology of design education is studied by the author on the back of expansion and increasing complexity of the professional environment in which the increase in the consumption of information is a growing recognition that the person involved in any kind of professional activity in the society needs to make decisions and take personal responsibility for them.


G. N. Glios, V. P. Dik
Altai State Medical University, prospekt Lenina, 40, Barnaul, 656038
Keywords: education philosophy and legal philosophy, educational process, legal education, legal consciousness – individual and social, optimal development of legal consciousness of man and society, responsibility

Abstract >>
The article is devoted to forming of legal consciousness of the present day Russian citizens in the educational process. A special attention is given to education; paternalistic and liberal education models are considered; the importance of optimal, value-oriented, developmental legal consciousness for the society and state has been shown. Contradictory interactions of legal systems of different countries in the epoch of globalization and informatization can lead to deformation of endemic traditions of different states, including the Russian society’s legal system and Russian citizens’ legal consciousness. That is why real legal consciousness is formed under the influence of various factors: the objective (e.g. social-economic reality conditions) and subjective (worldview, education, upbringing) ones; the process usually has a contradictory character, it includes both positive and negative sides, legal and lawless consciousness, negative views and evaluations among them. Legal consciousness directly depends on optimal and non-optimal strategies of influencing social conscience and subjects' conscience. Properly oriented, as a whole, legal consciousness as a part of social and individual consciousness may turn out to be defective. The authors come to the conclusion that legal consciousness of the present day Russian society is undergoing significant changes. Due to the absence of formed views it is subjected to multiple foreign culture «inoculations», borrowings, values systems which are foreign to the traditional Russian people mentality. It is necessary to work out an education strategy of forming optimal, healthy, creative consciousness and legal consciousness of man and society. The most important role in solving these problems is played by the education process as a process of consistent, obligate forming of feelings, thoughts, beliefs, projects of life and practical legal-socialized activities of the individual capable of adopting and realizing an optimal strategy of legal consciousness. However, opposite worldview platforms, legal basics and forms of education policy - the foreign-cultural, liberal-oligarchical one and the paternalistic, traditional for Russia one - collide in real educational process. The liberal model transfers education to commercial market relations, turns education into a service industry thus exonerating state from the responsibility for full-scale, high-quality legal education of citizens. The authors underline that education should be public, universally accessible with comprehensive socialization of the individual in the main life-affirming socio-spherical strategies of contemporary world. The development and realization of an optimal educational strategy of legal consciousness, forming man and society in educational process, is a guarantee of stability of the Russian state and legal system.


A. V. Pugachev1,2
1Novosibirsk state pedagogical University, Vilyuiskaya str., 28, Novosibirsk, 630126, Russia
2Institute of Philosophy and Law, Nikolaeva str., 8, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Keywords: education, law, legal regulation, sense of justice, education social order

Abstract >>
The article is devoted relationship of legal regulation of the modern Russian education and formation process the sense of justice in the Russian society. War and revolution of the late XX – early XXI centuries, exacerbation of civilizational confrontation observed nowadays safely be called «awesome spiritual failure of humanity», which causes the urgent need to rethink the axiological, praxeological and ontological components of many social institutions. Certainly, in the first place in the list of these social institutions are education and the law. Analyzing the state of modern Russian education and results – by and large, unsuccessful, because today we were alone almost the same problems as in the early 90s of the last century – it's safe to talk about the deep malaise the sense of justice of modern Russian education. Which began at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries the gradual stabilization of the situation in the country, both in its economic and political, cultural spheres entailed the need to fill the new content of the legal regulation of education, changes in the structure of legal education space of Russian education, reflecting the new realities of the social order of society addressed to education and the law. In connection with this project was developed the Federal Law «About Education in the Russian Federation». However, in this federal law is not adequately reflected the most significant elements of the social order of education, which is obviously not conducive to the formation of a Russian education of a higher level sense of justice.


O. V. Shalyapin, K. A. Kravchenko
Novosibirsk state pedagogical University, Vilyuiskaya str., 28, Novosibirsk, 630126
Keywords: portrait painting, etude, contents and plan, picturesque skill, creative process, harmony

Abstract >>
In article there are revealed the principles of formation of the portrait painting skills of the students of art faculties of the pedagogical higher education institutions, there is analyzed the main type of studies on painting - the study from nature, as well as the main painting stages in the art realization of a portrait. Mastering of the profession of painter begins with studying elementary technology of the craft and expedient sequence of actions in the course of practical pictorial work. The practical skills of mastering art are acquired gradually, beginning from simple tasks through solution and sophistication of multiple-goal tasks, among which there are both creative and professional-technical ones. The palette problem in the formation of painting skills is considered. It is necessary to warn pupils against excessively polichromatic palette, and to advice to be guided in the choice of paints by the specific painting objectives. The authors note that in painting there exist different approaches to perception of nature and to the ways of its expression, since realism has a huge arsenal of means and assumes a subjective aspect of creativity. Therefore, according to the set objective, there is a need every time to think about what painting and technical device is best to use for the greatest expressiveness. The experimental work with the students in the painting classes has allowed developing a certain system of successively performed tasks, following which, in our opinion, is the optimal option for the mastering of portrait skills. All forms and kinds of work interact and enrich each other, forming the creatively thinking artist and his/her professional painting skill. Authors pay attention to the fact that formation of portrait painting skills requires longtime analytical work, lengthy reflections in the course of creativity and experience of generalizations. Therefore, after sufficient experience in the head depiction is gained by serious and thoughtful work on drawing, it is possible to try one’s hand in the work on a portrait. In the picturesque solution of a portrait, the artist makes a psychological characteristic of the model, looking carefully into characteristic features of the person, into his/her manner of behavior, which distinguishes the work of the professional portrait painter.


E. V. Shcheglova
Ryazan State University named by S. Esenin, Str. Svobody, 46, Ryazan, 390000
Keywords: musical and aesthetical abilities, natural abilities, pedagogical conditions, personal–oriented approach, additional education, development of musical abilities

Abstract >>
In this article the author presents his view on the question of the development of musical and aesthetical abilities of children within the frame of additional education system as one of the most impotent aspects of personality development and one of the leading aims of additional education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. As of today different types of innovative in terms of structural organization and content-richness of educational process educational institutes successfully coexist in the Republic of Kazakhstan; they realize transition from the center-knowledge to the competencing educational model which main priorities are: development of the individual specialties of each pupil; establishing conditions for perfection of creative potential and development of harmonious personality. And the great part is assigned to the system of additional education including musical and aesthetical. The author takes the view that musical and aesthetical abilities can be formed in any pupil, even having rather ordinary musical abilities. The system of educational process created by the author was successfully tested on the basis of Ust-Kamenogorsk Children Music School ¹1 since 2007 till 2014 having become original scientific-experimental platform. In result the school practically refused enrolment of pupils according to abilities. Any wishful has an opportunity to be enrolled in the school. The author stresses that such work couldn’t be realized without special training of teachers who not only must be specialists but also have enough scientific-methodical background and actively cooperate in the mentioned direction. In result the experimental work exercised in three stages and included the following types of pedagogical activity: creation of authoring and modified programs aimed for the development of musical and aesthetical abilities of pupils; description of the constructed system of development of the desired abilities under the conditions of Children Music School; carrying out of pilot forming and finding experiments which allow testing of separate program models, sum total of methods and instruments of development of musical and aesthetical abilities of pupils; systematization of outcomes of the experiment with clarifying of methodic recommendations; substantiation of pedagogical conditions which optimize the developmental process of musical and aesthetical abilities of pupils of additional education; analysis, summarizing and generalization of research results. As the main conditions of successful work for the development of musical and aesthetical abilities the author mentions unity of purpose of administration, teachers, child and his parents; scientific-methodic maintenance of educational process; learning of developing methods of definite types of musical and aesthetical abilities by teachers, and personal-oriented applying of these methods considering specialties of each child; availability of the developed diagnostics and stability of its exercising.


K. A. Kravchenko
Novosibirsk state pedagogical University, Vilyuiskaya str., 28, Novosibirsk, 630126, Russia
Keywords: scientific activity, creative activity, individualized instruction, professional and pedagogical orientation

Abstract >>
The author analyzes the content of the present stage of development of art pedagogical education in Russia, its interrelations with the general tendencies of development of the society, and also substantiates the need of interrelation between scientific and creative orientation at the art faculties of pedagogical higher education institutions. In the process of teaching disciplines in the pedagogical higher education institutions, it is necessary to use modern effective techniques and innovative technologies of training, which, in turn, will raise the qualitative level of the faculty. In modern conditions, in estimating the professional activity of the higher education institution, the primary attention is paid to the research, not to the art-creative activity of its teachers. Nevertheless, the awareness of the need of two kinds of activity (research and art-creative ones) in the professional work becomes an important factor of activation of the teaching work of art chairs in the pedagogical universities. In the article, the features and specifics of training in the Bachelor and Master degree courses are considered, the basic principles of vocational training of the artist-teacher are substantiated. During the initial years of the Bachelor degree course, the students gain basic theoretical knowledge and practical abilities in all disciplines, whereas the priority is given to the formation of both pedagogical and art literacy, the students have to master professional terminology and practical skills. During the final years of the Bachelor degree course, the majority of students decide on a choice of the future professional path, realistically estimate their abilities and possibilities. On this stage, there begins the successive sophistication of educational process towards independent knowledge gaining and the solution of problem tasks. The efficiency of educational process in the Master degree course is possible only on the basis of complete system of rational organization of research and practical art activities of the students. During training in the Master degree course there takes place a selection of scientific knowledge and accumulation of art experience in the professional sphere. The students of the Master degree course have to understand that without a certain system in the arsenal of their knowledge, skills and abilities, without accurate methodical program and strict purposes they are not able to solve successfully the set research and methodical tasks. Considering the ways of improvement of modern art-pedagogical education, the author notes that the system of two-level training (bachelor and master degrees) has some undoubted advantages. First of all, it is the possibility of combining the research, art-creative and pedagogical training of the artist-teacher.


A. V. Kirilova
Novosibirsk State Technical University, Pr. Karla Marksa, 20, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: culture, intelligentsia, creativå associations, art club

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The modern sociocultural situation is characterized by unprecedented rise of scientific and public interest to the culture problems. The search for new reference points, an integrating basis of the society forces to address the issue of understanding the basic values of the Russian culture, which more than once in the history have proved their necessity for its harmonious development. In this regard, the discussion of the Russian cultural heritage becomes topical. In this article the author investigates the organizational forms of activity of creative intellectuals, which is significant from the point of view of implementation of cultural continuity, involvement of the public to the solution of social problems and realization of cultural policy. Several problematic aspects of the history of Russian culture are more completely and more deeply comprehended: the phenomenon of intelligentsia, the specifics of a «transitional» cultural epoch, its display in the creative person’s experience, etc. The intelligentsia is considered by the author in interrelation with the phenomenon of «life’s creativity», that means theoretical and practical attempts of creation of new forms of public or individual life. The modern level of culturological research allows approaching analysis of activity of the organizations of the creative intellectuals as working with cultural texts, which represent artist‘s thought about the world and the people. Such associations started to be studied long ago and still are an important subject of Russian historiography. However, the major part of the literature about their activity has the art-study and literary criticism character. In this article there is presented a culturological aspect of studying various associations as a concentration of spiritual, intellectual, art life and a specific way of organization of creative intellectuals. The transfer of cultural information, support of cultural continuity, specifics of art culture are the most important characteristics of the spiritual atmosphere of the society. Not only the «metropolis» (professional collectives, schools, academies), but also the «periphery» (art circles, salons, clubs, evenings, etc.) has to be an object of studying in this case. The research of activity of such associations is, certainly, an important culturological task (on the example of the second half of XIX - the beginning of the XX century, when we can see the heyday of various organizational forms of activity of creative intellectuals). It should be noted that one of the most remarkable forms of the intelligentsia organization during the considered period was an art club; therefore, the author pays much attention to definition of this concept and to its characteristic features on the basis of the comparative analysis with other types of associations.


Z. B. Lopsonova
Buryat state university, ulitsa Smolina, 24à, Ulan-Ude, Buryatia
Keywords: model of multicultural education, dialogue of cultures, etnotolerantnost, socialization, pre-school education

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Modern preschooler grows and develops in a multicultural, multi-ethnic, polilingual environment. The author argues that it is necessary from pre-school age children to form a positive attitude towards cultural diversity of the world that surrounds the child. The purpose of the article to show the effectiveness of the implementation of the model of multicultural education of preschool children based on the idea of subjectivity child. GEF preschool teachers confronts the task of creating conditions for the development of children's initiative, the possibility of self-selection modes of activity in the game, knowledge, communicating with other children. The alignment of the model of the educational process ensures the integrity, integrative complexity in solving the problems of multicultural education. In the model of multicultural education reflects conditions, principles, content, technology, methods, evaluation of performance. One of the most effective techniques of multicultural education, which sets the rhythm and dynamics of the educational process kindergarten author considers the complex thematic planning. Much attention is paid to ways of organizing cultural practices where the child masters the subject position of: learning to set goals, has the ability to be active, to interact with their peers and to present a collaborative creativity. The program content of multicultural education is being successfully implemented in the integration of basic and further education, the interaction of all the subjects of the educational process of the kindergarten. Presentation of the results of joint activities for children and adults is being successfully implemented in the format of event-related, which brings emotional and generates lifestyle kindergarten. Thus, the educational activities of the modern pre-school educational institution must take into account the specificity of a multi-ethnic region, its cultural diversity. The study level etnotolerantnosti preschoolers suggests that children by nature are tolerant and open to interaction with their peers of other nationalities. An important means of social partnership is seen with his family.


N. M. Halimova1, L. B. Karabanov1,2
1The Khakass state university of N. F. Katanov, str. Lenina, 90, Abakan, Khakassia
2Khakass Institute of a Development of Education and Professional Development, Str. Pushkina, 105, Abaran, Khakassia
Keywords: strategy of directing, competence, creative abilities, achievements of the students, social partnership

Abstract >>
The article explains the meaning of pedagogical training of students in the context of professional-creative achievements. The authors define the strategy and pedagogical conditions of directing students toward creative achievements in their future professional activity. The conducted analytical work allowed distinguishing a contradiction between the social request of preparing the individual for professional work on the creative level and the lack of elaboration of pedagogical strategies in secondary vocational education. The object of study in the article is the process of directing students toward the professional-creative achievements. The aim of the article is to substantiate the pedagogical meaning of the training of the future specialist of middle management to creative achievements in the future professional activity. The research base is the institution of secondary vocational education (college). Annual monitoring of the needs of employers, a survey of employers of students in extracurricular work within the disciplines of general trade cycle helped to gather a list of the key competencies. According to the results of the survey, it is revealed that the modern graduate must be able to foresee the consequences of the professional activities, should exercise a responsible approach to decision making. Employers insist on the following requirements to the mid-level professionals: the ability to interact with other people, groups to address the general problem, the ability to carry out thinking, decision making, including in an irregular situation, to analyze, to carry out synthesis, self-estimation, self-study, to implement professional innovations and others. The requirements of the employers are justified by increasing individual responsibility for the quality of work of employees and the level of interaction between workers in the team, the growing need for direct communication of professionals with the clients and customers. It is determined that many of these indicators relate to the level of creativity. It is found that communication with employers, questioning the needs, identifying the requirements increases interest in the profession and motivates students to learn. In processing the questionnaires the conflicting demands of employers are revealed, as well as the presence of unreasonably high requirements to the quality characteristics of the future employees without warranty of employment.


A. A. Smirnova1,2
1À. I. Hertzen RSPU, Etc. River Moyka, 48, Saint-Petrsburg, 191186
2School ¹519, Saint-Petersburg, Str. Lensoveta, 87, ê. 2, St Petersburg, 196158
Keywords: teaching model, systemic–variable model of teaching mathematics, motivational task, conscious knowledge, conceptual propositions, clipping thinking

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This article analyses the level of the school mathematics study and the factors of the quality decrease. Due to the shift of the value reference points in the society, the motivation to study mathematics in general educational institutions has dramatically dropped. Teachers and psychologists, for example, D.I. Feldshtein, are concerned about children’s cognitive abilities decrease and the reduction of the working memory volume. At the transition period from the elementary school to the basic school, a tendency is revealed of computing skills decrease because of the poor knowledge of the multiplication table and even the addition table within the limits of twenty. The clipping thinking of schoolchildren does not enable the formation of the subject knowledge system. To solve the problem of reaching the level of school mathematical education, which corresponds to the requirements of the state educational standards and the Concept of development of mathematical education in the Russian Federation, a mathematics teaching model is essential, and it is to be constructed on the principle of the strengths synthesis of the existing teaching models. The author offers a systemic-variable model of teaching mathematics (SVMTM), ten conceptual propositions of which are developed on the basis of the method of variation of the word problems in mathematics. Three propositions, encouraging motivation to study mathematics and the formation of conscious and firm knowledge of schoolchildren, have been developed: - designing of the teaching material for each theme (section) is organized through the construction of interdependent problems (exercises) chains with the use of the word problems variation techniques which enables to form correct generalizations of the teaching material, to prevent typical errors of pupils, and to liquidate gaps in the pupils’ knowledge; - the motivational task represents a complex problem which is a system-forming task for the entire theme. In the process of solving the offered task the attention of the pupils is focused on the volume of knowledge which is necessary for the successful solution of the offered problem, which allows forming a tendency (need)of pupils for critical judgment of their knowledge and their own activity; - in course of the systemic-reformative activity under the direction of the teacher, the pupils will master the experience of «closing» the connections between the motivational task, the educational tasks of the subject material mastering and the solution of a research task (a task with the practical content).


Y. S. Tagilceva1,2
1Committee on youth of Novosibirsk, ulitsa Shchetinkina, 41, Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk Oblast, 630099
2ISU center «Spring», Str. Narodnaya, 13, Novosibirsk, 630075
Keywords: humanism, humanization of technical education, education, crisis in education, the problem of humanization, personality, society

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The purpose of this article is to review and provide a philosophical analysis of the influence of humanism ideas on the formation of technical education. The first origins of humanity and education as a system were in antiquity. Humanistic ideas of antiquity contributed to the formation of classical humanism, as a social phenomenon, in the Renaissance era. In the twentieth century, humanism becomes a global ideological tendency in the culture. These very ideas have become a conductor of humanization of modern education. In the history of philosophical thought, humanization is turning the scientific knowledge about the world towards the human being. Higher education is a leading factor in the social and economic development of the society. A special position in the education system is occupied by the technical education, which provides training of the qualified personnel for material production. From the standpoint of humanization, education is the meaning of human life, which is to help the people around, to be needed and necessary for them. The problem before the modern education is to justify humanization and determine the role of intellectual development in the process of humanization of technical education. Currently, in the scientific literature there are repeatedly discussed various aspects of humanization of technical education, but no clear solutions have yet been found. This problem is particularly relevant in the XXI century, when the development of technical progress does not slow down, but, on the contrary, is gaining tremendous momentum. Any technological changes lead to rearrangement of forces in the processes of social development and of each person. The main objective of humanization of technical education is the freedom of the individual. The educational process should be built primarily on the interests of the student. Humanization of technical education in higher education involves the development of the historical, philosophical, psychological, political and economic thinking in students. It has a wave-like character and is cyclically alternated with the periods of accumulation of knowledge about the «outside world», alienated from the people, which is dehumanization. In modern society, the reviving idea of humanization allows combining these theories of personality into a coherent whole. Therefore, the modern system of higher education faces the goal of helping the student in identifying him/herself as a free and proactive person. This will give a new direction in the processes of social development. It is the humanization of technical education that emerges as one of the most important factors in humanization of modern society.