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Siberian Journal of Forest Science

2014 year, number 2

Pyrogenic Impact on Gray Humus Soils of Pine Forests in the Central Ecological Zone of the Baikal Lake Natural Territory

Yu.N. Krasnoshchekov
V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Academgorodok, 50/28, Krasnoyarsk, 660036 Russian Federation
Keywords: central ecological zone of the Baikal natural territory, pine forests, ground fires, soil morphology, stock and fractional composition of litter, organogenic pyrogenic soil horizons, ash elements, physical and chemical properties of soils


The data of experimental research on the dynamics of post pirogenic gray humus soils of pine forests in the central ecological zone of the Baikal natural territory are analysed. Ground litter-humus fires transforms type diagnostic surface organic soil horizons, lead to the formation of new organogenic pyrogenic horizons (Opir). Negative impact of surface fires of varying intensity on stock change, quality of fractional composition of soil organic horizons, and their chemical composition is shown.