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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2014 year, number 9

Estimation of zonal movement of ozone mass in the lower stratosphere based on satellite data

V.B. Kashkin, T.V. Rubleva
Siberian Federal University, 79, Svobodny Prospect, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia
Keywords: stratospheric ozone, atmospheric tracer, zonal circulation, satellite ozone data


The development of the estimation method of air masses movement in the lower stratosphere using ozone as atmospheric tracer is discussed. Two fields of the total ozone for a current day and previous day are compared using correlation extreme algorithm. The result of the procedure is estimation of mutual shift of the fields and of zonal and meridian air movements per day. Zonal movements of air mass at 1997–2004 were investigated for the Northern and Southern hemispheres. The proximity of the average values of the lower stratosphere zonal wind and the troposphere zonal wind (with respect to the Earth surface) was found out. E.N. Blinova’s zonal movement index was estimated for mid-latitudes of both hemispheres. We found that the field of total ozone at mid-latitudes of the Southern hemisphere rotates 1.8 times faster than the field of the Northern hemisphere. From July to October, 2003 there was anomalous decrease of the index; it was connected apparently with increasing solar activity. It was found that there is a close correlation between the Earth orbital speed and the angular velocity of the lower stratosphere at mid-latitudes of both hemispheres.