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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2014 year, number 9

Seasonal changes of water spectral transparency and concentration of chlorophyll a in different-type lakes

I.A. Sutorikhin1,2, V.I. Bukaty1, O.B. Akulova1
1Institute for Water and Environmental Problems of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, 656038, Barnaul, 1, Molodezhnaya str. IWEP SB RAS
2Altai State University, 656015, Barnaul, 61, str. Lenina
Keywords: lakes, water spectral transparency, light attenuation coefficient, chlorophyll а, phytoplankton


By results of seasonal measurements of spectral transparency and concentration of chlorophyll a dependence is found in water of different-type lakes of Altai Krai during 2011–2013 between these indicators, presented in the form of approximating curve, satisfying the Bouguer law. The analysis of the obtained experimental data taking into account disperse structure of particles (cages) of seaweed phytoplankton is carried out.