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Humanitarian sciences in Siberia

2014 year, number


V.A. Ilyinykh
Institute of History of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IH SB RAS), Russia, 630090, Novosibirsk, Akad. Nikolaev str., 8
Keywords: colonization, in-migration, agricultural and commercial reclamation, planning, rural economy, peasantry, land management, NEP, collectivization, Siberia


The article analyzes projects of organization of agrarian resettlement and colonization of the region prepared in the latter half of 1920s: “The Perspective Plan of Rural Economy Development of Siberian Krai” (1926), “Masterplan of Siberian Krai Colonization” (1927), “Five-Year Plan of Transmigratory Development in Siberia” (1928), “Five-Year Plan of Transmigratory Work in Siberian Krai” (1929). The authors of pluriannual plans developed in 1926-1927 proceeded fr om the assumption that the colonization potential of southern steppe areas as well as forest-steppe regions of Siberia had been already used up. The main destination of the incoming migrants was the southern part of taiga zone. It was planned to develop the taiga areas based on the method of consequent movement from the regions adjacent to the transport routs to the remote areas. The peasant settlers’ households were mostly involved in timber processing and stock-raising. Five-year resettlement plans of the late 1920s were made under the conditions of accelerated industrialization and collectivization. Quantitative indicators of resettlement increased. Agricultural resettlement was connected with the new industrial and railway construction. The main migration flows were concentrated in the regions wh ere large manufacturing and transport projects were implemented. The in-migrants should have created dependable food economy for the new industrial centres and provided additional labour resources for them as well. In-migration of self-employed farmers stopped. Kolkhozes became the main organizational-manufacturing structure of transmigratory households. For agrarian colonization there should have been used not only the lands in taiga regions, but also surpluses of agricultural lands confiscated from the long-term residents in the habitable parts of the region. Significant parts of colonization fund were given to the newly created kolkhozes.