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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2014 year, number 2

Faunal Zoning of Northern Eurasia and Classification of Terrestrial Vertebrates by Similarity of Distribution

1Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals SB RAS, 630091, Novosibirsk, Frunze str., 11
2Tomsk State University, 634050, Tomsk, Lenina pr., 36
3Siberian State Geodesic Academy, 630108, Novosibirsk, Plakhotnogo str., 10
4Russian State Social University, 129226, Moscow, Wilhelm Pieck str., 4
Keywords: zoning, fauna, terrestrial vertebrates, Palearctic, Northern Eurasia, cluster analysis, factors, correlation


For the purpose of faunal zoning of terrestrial vertebrates, the part of Northern Eurasia that belonged to USSR was divided into 245 mapping units in 1991. Mapping units were marked on the World Vegetation Map at a scale of 1 : 20 000 000. Each mapping unit occupied a territory within the limits of a natural subzone with a latitudinal distance of 10°. Lists of vertebrate species were compiled for each unit. Jaccard similarity coefficients were calculated for these lists; the coefficients were used as the basis for performing cluster analysis of fauna of the mapping units. The results of calculations were used to create a hierarchical classification, which includes five faunistic regions and seven subregions, 18 provinces and 14 districts. Environmental factors that correlate with faunistic heterogeneity on the studied territory were described. The proposed zoning was 2-2.5 times more informative than previously developed schemes; it took into account 57 % of the variance of the similarity coefficients of the faunas of specific regions (coefficient of multiple correlation was 0.75). Connection with environmental factors and natural conditions may explain 83 % of the heterogeneity of the fauna (correlation coefficient is 0.91). Having compared the results of zoning that were carried out for different classes of terrestrial vertebrates (amphibian, reptilian, birds and mammals), we found significant similarity between the causes of fauna heterogeneity (zonal features, provinciality, heat availability, and their combined effect). However, the differences in tolerance to the environment among the studied animal classes resulted in substantial discordance of the boundaries of the described taxa and their hierarchy. Classification of 1243 species of terrestrial vertebrates living on the site was compiled according to similarity of their occurrence (the average in the lower taxon faunistic zoning). It contains three types of distribution: Northern, Middle and Southern. These in turn are divided into 7 subtypes and 13 classes. Informative presentation of the classification is equal to 53 % of the variance (correlation coefficient - 0.73).