Publishing House SB RAS:

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Region: Economics and Sociology

2014 year, number 1

Regional Policy of a Subject of the Russian Federation: Problems of Its Elaboration and Implementation

Asiya Marshalova, Alexander Novoselov
IEIE, SB RAS, Novosibirsk
Keywords: RF subject, regional economic policy, regional development administration, competitiveness, cluster approach


The paper analyzes the methodological approaches to choosing principles, forms, and methods of regional policies pursued by the RF subjects, as well as major objectives, structure and content of such policies. The paper also analyzes the preconditions and limits of the regional socio-economic development, which impact on competitiveness of the regions, and instruments of regional policy, which perform distributive, regulative, and stimulating functions. The authors present their recommendations on building indicators, including an integrated one, which would show how effective the regional development administration is. The application of a cluster approach to realize the competitive advantages of regions is considered necessary. Two types of regional clusters are specified. How effective the elaboration and implementation of regional policy could be depends on such factors as the involvement of local communities in these processes and monitoring of the socio-economic processes.