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Russian Geology and Geophysics

2013 year, number 9


P.M. Goryainov, G.Yu. Ivanyuk, A.O. Kalashnikov
Keywords: Topography, fractal, self-organization, remote methods for prediction and prospecting, ore deposits


In geologic objects of different characters and scales, the fractal properties of topography are related to the intensity of endogenic energy flows and the composition of geologic complexes. A good correlation between the topographic differentiation of the Khibiny pluton and the variables of different levels of its structural and compositional organization (mineral and chemical compositions of the rocks and minerals, rock texture, etc.) suggests that topography formation is an element of the self-organization of the Khibiny pluton. Analysis of the fractal dimensionality of topography in the Khibiny pluton, Primorye, and detailed areas in Transbaikalia revealed a coincidence of its maxima with the position of ore clusters, fields, and deposits, i.e., areas with the contents of elements significantly higher than their clarkes. All the above data suggest that the fractal properties of topography can be used as a prospecting criterion.