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"Philosophy of Education"

2013 year, number 4


B. I. Kim
Kostanay, Repulic Kazakhstan
Keywords: traditional education, new system, philosophy of methodology, epistemology, knowledge tests, testing technology, quality of education


A critical view on modern education reflecting the historical period of transition from the traditional system of education to a new high-quality one cannot be constructed outside the philosophical-methodological basis of the core aspect of education, which is didactics. The social philosophy of education and the methodology of the pedagogical science didactics are united by gnoseology (epistemology), the theory of the objective reality cognition that has a direct relation to the students and pupils’ cognitive process. In our experience, the quality of education is achieved by innovative knowledge tests and educational (training) testing, especially at the pre-examination stage. The traditional testology, which is a science of monitoring and evaluating the quality of education, is used here in a new system of its synthesis with didactics, which is the theory of teaching. A functional integration of the two education-related sciences (didactics and testology) produces the surprisingly progressive results.