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"Philosophy of Education"

2013 year, number 4


T. N. Ishchenko
Keywords: didactics, thinking, dialectics, contradiction, cognition, analytical cognition, synthetic cognition, ascending from the abstract to the concrete, problem question


The current conditions of education development, the society’s demands and the challenges of modern time – all lead to a more urgent need for working out the philosophical-methodological foundations of didactics and applying the latter as a fundamental science to shape a higher culture of thinking. In which case (under which conditions) can the learner develop reflexive thinking, an active ability to resolve forthcoming problems and contradictions in professional life? This article addresses a number of problem questions, viewed through the prism of philosophical thought and its development, as well as through the methodology of science, in order to find out the causes of the present cognition issues and draft some ways to tackle them. The author considers the dialectical approach as a progressive efficient means.