Method of measurement of the turbulence characteristics from the flutter of the astronomical images on the aircraft board. Part 2. Accounting for the photodetector response time
V.V. Nosov, V.P. Lukin
V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, 1, Academician Zuev square, Tomsk, 634021, Russia
Keywords: turbulence, the jitter of astronomical images, photoreceiver response, outer scale
The main theoretical relations, necessary for the method of the measurement of the turbulence characteristics from the flutter of the astronomical imades on the board of the flying plane, are presented. The monostatical and differential (the bistatical) receivers are consequently compared. The analysis does not repeat the analysis of signals and errors of the traditional differential method. The method, proposed by us, supposes the operation with moving carrier. It is shown that maximum deviation of the bistatical response function from the monostatic ones exists when the velocity vectors of the carrier and the carrying channel are collinear. The influence of the turbulence outer scale, of the velocity vector of the carrier, frequencies of taking countings out, and other parameters of the meter scheme are estimated. In particular, it is found that typical correlation time in the bistatical differential receiver depends on the time of the carrying of the inhomogeneities between two receiving channels until the distance between them is less than the turbulence outer scale.