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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2013 year, number 8

Spatial-temporal variability of total solar radiation in West Siberia

M.Yu. Arshinov1, B.D. Belan1, D.K. Davydov1, T.K. Sklyadneva1, A.V. Fofonov1, T. Machida2, M. Sasakawa2
1V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, 1, Academician Zuev square, Tomsk, 634021, Russia
2National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba, Japan
Keywords: low-level clouds, amount of clouds, cloud base height, climatic characteristics, Siberian region


Results of the analysis of existential variability of total solar radiation in the territory of Western Siberia are presented. It is shown that in the South and the southwest of Western Siberia the tendency of a negative trend of coming solar radiation is noted. In the south of Western Siberia the maximum receipt of total radiation is registered in June–July depending on the year of measurements, and in the north – in July. The minimum variations of the monthly sums of total radiation are observed during the summer period (2–15 of %).