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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2012 year, number 12

Light scattering matrix for truncated plate-like ice droxtal preferably oriented in the horizontal plane

A.V. Burnashov, A.V. Konoshonkin
Keywords: матрица рассеяния, перистые облака, флаттер, преимущественная ориентация, гало, дроксталл, поляризация, scattering matrix, cirrus clouds, flutter, preferable orientation, halo, droxtal, polarization


Light scattering matrices of truncated plate-like ice droxtals are calculated within the framework of geometric optics for the case of quasi-horizontal orientations. New halos appear because of truncated facets of ice crystal. The main quantitative properties of the brightest halos are obtained. All 16 elements of the scattering matrix are analyzed in terms of modified scattering matrix. A comparison of the matrices for the truncated droxtals and the hexagonal plates is carried out.