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"Philosophy of Education"

2011 year, number 5


N. N. Kiselyov
Keywords: informational factor, personality development, informational approach, "info-uncertainty", life script as an "info-script", personality's "info-needs"
Pages: 31-40


In the article, the significance of information in the formation and development of personality is analyzed; some theoretical definitions of the concept of information are given, different viewpoints on the theory of informational approach and definition of information in the humanities and exact sciences are described.  The informational criterion of development is considered by the author as a criterion of developing systems.  The author determines the essence of the state of info-uncertainty and considers it as a driving force of person's activity.  The article analyzes the theory of life scripts as info-scripts; their influence on the personality development is considered. The author analyzes also the notion of personality's info-needs and the influence of the level of its development on the personality formation.