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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2010 year, number 4

Zooplankton of the Lakes in the Spurs of the Putoran Plateau and Adjacent Territories (the North of the Krasnoyarsk Region)

O. P. Dubovskaya, A. A. Kotov, N. M. Korovchinskiy, N. N. Smirnov, A. Y. Sinev
Keywords: animal plankton, Copepoda, Cladocera, Rotifera, species composition, biomass, biogeography, polar lakes, global warming
Pages: 571-608


Species composition and biomass indices of net animal plankton in four large lakes and 35 small ones from 10 regions situated between 69,5 and 67,5° of the northern latitude and ~87 and 92° of the eastern longitude examined in July-August 2001 and 2003-2004 are reported. The distribution of separate species and changes of the structure of the animal plankton are discussed from the viewpoint of the possible influence of climate warming.