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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2009 year, number 6

Structure of Alnus fruticosa Rupr. s. l. and Its Interrelation with Other Taxons of the Sub-Genus Alnobetula (Ehrhart) Peterman

E. V. Banaev, R. V. Adel'shin
Keywords: Alnus, Alnobetula, alder, population, variability, ITS1
Pages: 927-936


Investigation of the variability of morphological indices of Alnus fruticosa s. l. at the territory of Asian Russia was carried out. It was revealed that the species possesses a complicated internal structure, which is due to the features of climatic and foresting conditions in different parts of the habitat.
The results of phenotypic variability and sequences of intergenic spacer ITS1 nuclear eibosomal RNA of the taxons of Alnobetula subgenus point to the species rank of Alnus viridis and subgenus rank of A. fruticosa, A. sinuata and A. crispa with the priority specific name A. crispa.
A. maximowiczii, A. glutipes, A. kamtschatica and A. mandshurica are the result of intraspecific variation of the polymorphous species A. fruticosa.