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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2009 year, number 6

Hornbeam Deciduous-Fir-Cedar Forest During the Years 1926-2003 (the Ussuri Reserve, Southern Primorye)

Y. I. Man'ko, A. I. Kudinov, G. A. Gladkova, G. N. Butovets
Keywords: virgin coniferous-deciduous forest, cedar pine, age supersessions, dynamics, Southern Primorye
Pages: 917-926


On the basis of long-term monitoring (1926-2003) at a permanent test ground arranged by B. A. Ivashkevich in an overmature virgin hornbeam cedar forest with fir, it is concluded that natural decomposition of the cedar part occurs in the tree stand; cedar had lost its dominant part. At the same time, secession of the tree species dominating in the lower canopy that had completed their life cycles occurs. However, the dead generations of these species are rapidly replaced by the young ones, while the young generation of cedar able to form a new tree stand is almost unformed. All these facts provide evidence of distortion of the cyclic character of cedar digenesis. The phase of predominance of hardwood species begins.