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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2009 year, number 6

About Morphology and Life Cycle of Gymnodinium baicalense Ant. (Dinophyta) from Lake Baikal

G. I. Kobanova
Keywords: Gymnodinium baicalense, alive material dinoflagellates, photomicrographs, sexual reproduction, congener relations
Pages: 899-905


The population of Gymnodinium baicalense Antipova from Lake Baikal was investigated alive. Living vegetative cells of G. baicalense are closely related morphologically to G. wigrense Woіosz. These species have identical ecological features. Vegetative cells are forming endogenous rest cysts. Sexuаl reproduction occurred during the mass development of the species.
The author believes G. baicalense is a relict species and its formation has taken place during the ice age.