Vitality of Individuals and Сoenopopulations of Sophora flavescens Soland.
D. V. Sandanov
Keywords: vital status of the species, coenopopulation, age structure of population, number of individuals
Pages: 891-898
Vitality of individuals and coenopopulations of rare and relict species (Sophora flavescens Soland.) were studied. Number and length of shoots, number of leaves on a shoot and the ratio of the leaf length to its width are the main signs characterizing the vitality of an individual. Different combinations of these quantitative signs characterize the vitality of each individual quantitatively. Such characteristics as the type of population, average points of individual vitality in the population, the sufficiency of age spectrum, the presence of genets and ramets and abundance of species in community are important indices in determining the vitality of coenopopulations. It was noted that individuals in young and transitional populations have high points of vitality.