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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2009 year, number 6

Variability of the Cones of Siberian Larch in Field-Protecting Plantations of Different Design under the Conditions of the Shira Steppe

O. P. Kovylina, N. V. Kovylin, P. S. Poznakhirko
Keywords: protective forest-plantations, different forms of cones (green-coned, red-coned and transitionаl), the technical germinating capacity and quality of seeds
Pages: 819-827


The data on individual variability of Siberian larch cones in field-protective plantations of Shira steppe of Khakasia are presented in the paper. Three forms of cones were revealed according to their colour, such as green-coned, red-coned and transitional forms. The technical germinating capacity and quality of seeds from different forms of cones (green-coned, red-coned and transitionаl) were determined.