2008 year, number 4
E. N. Valendik, I. V. Kosov
Pages: 517–523
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Thermal radiation of forest fires of different kinds is investigated. The regions in which thermal radiation affects the forest stands and firemen are revealed.
I. L. Milyutina, N. E. Sudachkova, L. I. Romanova, G. P. Semenova
Pages: 525–530
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Comparative investigation of the activity of li
G. G. Maistrenko, N. Ya. Gordienko, T. I. Novikova, E. V. Banaev
Pages: 531–536
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The data on the important ecological feature of alder-tree
B. I. Syomkin, M. V. Gorshkov, L. I. Varchenko
Pages: 537–544
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The method to account the rates of changes in relative humidity in one-years sprouts of coniferous wood plants is proposed. On the basis of the data of N. D. Nesterovich [1965], the account of the rates of humidity changes within one year is carried out for 8 coniferous wood plant species; the average relations of water content for a same month of each year is determined. The rates of changes in humidity within one year for one-years sprouts of coniferous wood plants are determined.
T. A. Polyakova, G. N. Gataulina
Pages: 545–551
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Pollen of 12 species of the Spiraea L. genus growing in differetn regions of Siberia and the Far East is investigated. The ultrasculpture of pollen grains is described. On the basis of aperture morphology and exine sculpture, the main types of pollen grains are sorted, and the key indices for their determination are revealed. It is noted that the species of the Spiraria section are distinguished by the large size of grains. Substantial variations of the size of pollen grains was established for S. media and S. alpina species. The level of natural polymorphism of palynological indices is shown.
S. V. Osipov, V. Ya. Cherdantseva, I. A. Galanina, V. V. Jakubov
Pages: 53–569
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203 species of vascular plants, 50 species of mosses and 41 species of lichens are found on gold mining sites. The list of these species is reviewed. The distribution over technogenic relief elements is indicated for each species. The main elements of the technogenic relief, their flora and vegetation are characterized. The species composition and ecological-coenological spectra of drag and hydraulic gun dumps are the most similar ones. The species diversity of vascular plants on gold mining sites is high in different regions.
Pages: 571–576
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The paper examines the results of the cluster analysis for 25 sections in the genus Oxytropis DC. on the basis of 50 quantitative alternative characters in morphology. It has mainly confirmed the division into subgenera and sections accepted by different investigators. It reveals the affinity (not identity) between subgenera Tragacanthopsis Vass. and Triticaria Vass. (difference: 44 %), and justifies the recognition of the section Chrysantha Vass. in the subgenus Oxytropis, as well as the recognition of the sections Dolichanthos Gontsch and Mongolia F. C. Fu, the latter being related to the subgenus Ptiloxytropis Bunge. In addition, unreasonableness of disjunction of the section Mesogaea Bunge off the Janthin
L. V. Bardunov, A. V. Verkhozina, N. V. Dudareva, S. G. Kazanovsky, A. A. Kiseleva
Pages: 577–581
A. S. Stenina
Pages: 583–588
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The first data about the diatoms of phytobenthos and epi
G. G. zhilyaev
Pages: 589–594
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The mosaic of spatial locations of Soldanella hungarica Simonk. is investigated in the ecotones at the boundary between the subalpine and forest plant belts of the Carpathian mountains. It is shown that in extreme cases the nonuniform group arrangement and limited participation of the individuals of high vitality create more possibilities for seed reproduction and stable renewal of generations in local accumulations, but al the same time hinder the formation of the integrated uninterrupted population field of S. hungarica in Carpathian ecotones.
B. L. Shcherbov, N. V. Zavgorodnyaya, E. V. Lazareva
Pages: 595–605
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The behaviour of artificial radionuclides and microelements during forest fire events in the pine forests of the Altay Territory is investigated. It is shown that forestland burns are accompanied by active air migration of 90Sr,137Cs, Hg, Cd, As and other elements, and additional pollution of the components of forest biogeocenosis, at least at the areas adjacent to fire sites. The activity of element migration depends mainly on the biogeochemical characteristics of the elements, on the state of forest combustible materials, and on weather conditions. During the post-fire periods, redistribution of the elements occurs as a result of their transportation with melted snow water and rainwater. Revegetation carried out in burns promotes additional changes in element distribution over the burnt areas.
I. A. Goncharova
Pages: 607–617
V. V. Kokovkin, F. V. Sukhorukov*, O. V. Shuvaeva, V. I. Belevantsev, V. I. Malkova, V. D. Strakhovenko*, B. L. Shcherbov*
Pages: 619–630
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Results obtained in 2003 and 2004 characterizing the quality of water from drinking water sources used by the population of the Ust-Ordyn Buryat autonomous district (BAD), Irkutsk District and Aginskoye BAD are presented. In the XX century, these regions had been affected by the technogenic and radiation pollution (as a result of nuclear weapon tests).
V. E. Sineshchekov, A. G. Krasnoperov, E. M. Krasnoperova
Pages: 631–637
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As a result of 17-year investigations, eight associations of weed vegetation were singled out in cereal-fallow rotation and unchangeable wheat in leached chernozems of the areas near the Ob river. Five of these associations were an
E. P. Khramova, E. K. Komarevtzeva, K. P. Koutzenogij, G. A. Kovalskaya, O. V. Chankina
Pages: 639–644
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The elemental composition and the content of flavonols of Pentaphylloides fruticosa (L) O. Schwarz of the Mountainous Altai are investigated. Some distinctions in the content of elements and flavonols in P. fruticosa plants of different age conditions corresponding to two development periods, pregenerative (immature and virginal plants) and generative (young, middle-aged and oil generative plants), are discovered.
I. V. Stavishenko
Pages: 645–654
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The coenotic characteristics of the complexes of xylotrophic fungi were determined in the mycological investigation in the forest ecosystems of the natural part
S. G. Varaksin, G. V. Kuznetsova
Pages: 655–659
N. S. Shikhova
Pages: 661–671
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Generalized results of long-term investigations of frutictesoflora of the green plantations in Vladivostok are presented. Diversity of the species composition in connection with plantation types and the quantitative participation of species in urban planting are studied. The diagnostics of the vital state is carried out; the stability of shrub plants under the conditions of urban ecosystems is assessed.