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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2006 year, number 5

Effect of the Diet Containing Different Parts of Plant Serratula coronata L. - Producer of Ecdysteroids - on the Development of Egyptian Cotton Leafworm Spodoptera littoralis Boisd. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

K. G. Ufimtsev, T. I. Shirshova, V. V. Volodin


The effect of the diet containing 10 % (mass) of dry finely ground parts of Serratula coronata L. plant with different content of ecdysteroids on the development of caterpillars of Egyptian cotton leafworm Spodoptera littoralis of the IV age is investigated. It is shown that in the absence of a clearly exhibited antifidant action, the growth and development of the worm were suppressed, pupation period increased, and imago prolificacy decreased substantially.