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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2006 year, number 5

Ecological Niche of Two Species of Genus Crustaceans Salmincola (Crustacea: Copepoda) - Parasites of

N. M. Pronin, T. G. Burdukovskaya


Ecological characteristics of two species of genus Salmincola crustaceans - parasites of Baikal omul are considered. The species are characterized by strict localization in the gill cavities (S. extumescens) and in muscles in the base of fins (S. extensus). Isolation of the species occurs because S. extensus is infecting young age groups of omul, while S. extumescens - those of old age. The regularities of the distribution of crustaceans depending on the depth of the reservoir and the features of seasonal infection dynamics by S. extumescens of the Chivyrkui omul population were determined.