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Russian Geology and Geophysics

2008 year, number 11

New type of Cambrian section in eastern part of West Siberian Plate (based on Vostok-1 stratigraphic well data)

A.E. Kontorovich a , A.I. Varlamov b , V.G. Emeshev c , A.S. Efimovd, A.G. Klets a , A.V. Komarov b , V.A. Kontorovich a , I.V. Korovnikova, S.V. Saraev a , Yu.F. Filippov a , I.V. Varaksina a , V.N. Glinskikh a , V.A. Luchinina a , N.V. Novozhilovaa, T.V. Pegel d , N.V. Sennikov a , A.V. Timokhin a
a Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS, prosp. Akad. Koptyuga 3, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
b RF Ministry of Natural Resources, Moscow
c Administration of Tomsk Region, Tomsk
d Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources, Krasny prosp. 67, Novosibirsk, 630091, Russia
Keywords: West Siberian Plate; cis-Yenisei petroliferous subprovince; Cambrian
Pages: 843-850


A new type of Cambrian section penetrated by the Vostok-1 stratigraphic test well in the east of the West Siberian Plate, Tomsk Region, is described in terms of paleontology. It can be considered a key section for this region. According to a complex of geological and geophysical characteristics, the section in the depth range of 2766-5010 m was divided into the Churbiga, Paidugina, Pudzhelga, Podelga, Kondes, Shedelga, and Pyzhina Formations, and their first description was made. The Cambrian section in Vostok-1 well is most similar to those of the Kotui-Igarka area of the northwestern Siberian Platform, where Cambrian deposits formed in the pre-reef zone of an open sea basin. In the lower section of the borehole the highly carbonaceous siliceous-argillaceous-carbonate Paidugina Formation was stripped, which is an analog of the Lower-Middle Cambrian Shumnaya and Kuonamka Formations of the Siberian Platform. The Paidugina Formation, which accumulated on the shelf and slope of the open sea facing the Paleo-Asian ocean, is considered oil-producing and suggests the high petroleum potential of the cis-Yenisei basin. Also, a highly promising generation-accumulation petroleum system has been revealed.