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Russian Geology and Geophysics

2001 year, number 10

Geophysical studies of the structure and geodynamics of a landslide slope in the Suusamyr River valley (northern Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan)

Yu. I. Kolesnikov, S. M. Babushkin, A. D. Duchkov, A. F. Emanov, V. S. Seleznev, V. M. Solov'ev, and G. M. Trigubovich
Keywords: Landslide, microseisms, polarization, TEM soundings, pulse transmission measurements, Tien Shan
Pages: 1574-1584


The paper presents results of microseismic and electromagnetic studies of a landslide in the Suusamyr River valley (northern Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan) and laboratory pulse transmission experiments on ground samples from the landslide. Spectral and polarization patterns of microseisms on the slope show that the main portion of seismic energy in the frequency range of 120 to 210 Hz is related to microfaulting in zones of stress concentration. The high-resolution image of the landslide obtained by the applied techniques of areal TEM soundings and the high sensitivity of seismic parameters to the stress-strain state of the ground demonstrated in the pulse transmission experiments confirm the efficiency of geophysical methods in investigation of landslides and slope stability.