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Russian Geology and Geophysics

2001 year, number 10

Variations in global and mirror components of the Earth's seismic activity

A. M. Fridman, S. K. Tatevyan, Yu. A. Trapeznikov, and A. V. Klimenko
Keywords: Sesmicity, earthquake, magnitude, correlation
Pages: 1504-1515


On the basis of harmonic analysis of the data for 125 thousand earthquakes from the catalog of the National Earthquake Information Center of the U.S. Geological Survey for the period 1964-90 and of a series of time-dependent changes of the Earth's angular velocity (t) during the same period, significant positive correlation has been established between graphs of |d/dt| and (t), an annual number N(t) of earthquakes for different regions of the Earth averaged over several years depending on their hypocenter depths (so-called T-component of seismic activity). Besides, special attention was paid to studies of spreading and subduction zones. At the same time, in any two adjacent areas along the both sides of the tectonic plate (in subduction zones and in the system of mid-ocean ridges and continental mountain ranges) the correlation coefficient between the functions [N1(t)