Effect of Post-Implantation Annealing on the Current-Voltage Characteristics of IR Photodiodes Based on p-HgCdTe
A. V. Vishnyakov, V. S. Varavin, M. O. Garifullin, A. V. Predein, V. G. Remesnik, I. V. Sabinina, G. Y. Sidorov
Keywords: mercury cadmium telluride, MCT, HgCdTe, photodiode, tunnel currents, numerical modeling of current-voltage characteristics, numerical modeling of mercury diffusion, ion implantation, post-implantation annealing
Pages: 32-40
Current-voltage characteristics of IR photodiodes and distributions of charge carriers in n+-n−-p-structures based on vacancy p-doped Hg1−xCdxTe films with x = 0.22 are examined. Threedimensional numerical modeling of the distribution of charge carriers and current-voltage characteristics during photodiode annealing is performed. The calculations predict that large tunnel currents in diodes after implantation can result from an elevated (more than 1015 cm−3) concentration of donors in the n−-layer, which enhances tunneling by decreasing the thickness of the space charged region of the n-p-junction, and also from a small (less than 3 μm) depth of the p-n-junction.