Optical information technologies Gradient Design of Refractive Surfaces for Forming Required Light Distributions
A. A. Belousov, L. L. Doskolovich, and S. I. Kharitonov
Samara State Aerospace University, Samara, Russia Institute of Image Processing Systems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Samara, Russia E-mail: ipsi@smr.ru
Pages: 161-168
A method for designing refractive surfaces for forming required light distributions from compact light sources is developed. Calculation of the refractive surface is based on gradient minimization of the error function representing the difference between the calculated and required illumination fields. The method is based on surface representation via the eikonal light field distribution in the adjacent plane. The eikonal function is defined as a polynomial. An analytical expression for the error function gradient is obtained. Refractive surfaces for forming rectangular and triangular light distributions are calculated.