Measuring the Quantum Efficiency of Multielement Photodetectors in the Spectral Range between 180 and 800 nm
V. A. Labusov1, 2, D. O. Selyunin1, 2, I. A. Zarubin1, 2, and R. G. Gallyamov2
1Institute of Automation and Electrometry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia 2VMK Optoelektronika, Ltd., Novosibirsk, Russia E-mail:
Pages: 19-26
An automatic system for measuring the quantum efficiency of multielement photodetectors applied in atomic emission spectral analysis is created. Results of measuring the quantum efficiency of BLPP-369 photodiode lines with different dopants and coating layers, and also lines of CCDs (Sony ILX-526A) are presented. It is shown that the quantum efficiency of photodiode lines between 180 and 360 nm is 0.3