Detection of Mass-Spectrum Peaks in Bioassays in Dope Testing
A. G. Vostretsov1, V. A. Bogdanovich2, and V. I. Bud’3
1Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia E-mail: 2St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University, St. Petersburg, Russia 3National Anti-Doping Center, Kiev, Ukraine
Pages: 1-7
The problem of processing mass-spectrum data in dope testing is considered. It is shown that this problem concerned with dope testing is characterized by a high level of a priori uncertainty. It is proposed to use a contrast method for detecting mass-spectrum peaks. The main point of the method is as follows. At first, a sample of observations without a useful signal is taken (i.e., there is no bioassay in the mass-spectrometer work chamber, in this case, the mass-spectrum depends only on the features of the measuring channel and remains of dirt in the work chamber). Then the work sample in which the useful signal has to be detected is taken. Optimal detection algorithms based on statistical principles of invariance and unbiasedness are obtained. Results of statistical tests of the algorithm and a full-scale experiment are presented.