Dependence of the Structural Robustness of Embedded Diagnostic Group Graph on Choosing the initial Vertices of Its Cosets
Yu. K. Dimitriev
Institute of Semiconductor Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk E-mail:
Pages: 102-110
Embedding of a diagnostic circulant graph into a graph of computing system intermodule connections is considered. the host graph is a graph of group of direct product of cyclic subgroups. The embedding is bases on partitioning the group into cossets via a cyclic subgroup of the chosen element degrees. Dependence of the introduced robustness index of the embedded circulant on the relative position of initial vertices in cossets of group is studied. It is found that the structural robustness index value depends substantially on the mentioned factor. Embedding parameters for which the embedded graph structural robustness does not depend on the relative position of initial vertices in its cossets are found.