Evolution of the Microstructure of Dynamically Loaded Materials
M. P. Bondar'
Lavrent'ev Institute of Hydrodynamics, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk 630090; bond@hydro.nsc.ru
Pages: 239-247
The paper deals with the evolution of the microstructure in materials after explosive loading by the method of a hollow thick-walled cylinder. The materials considered differ in the type of crystal lattice and initial state (grain size and initial defect density). The role of crystal structure in the formation of the microstructure of single crystals and coarse-grain copper specimens formed under explosive deformation is investigated. The microstructures formed are compared with the corresponding strains. It is shown that during high-rate deformation, fragmentation of the structural elements occurs at all scale levels. The fragmentation mechanism and the associated properties depend on the initial structure and state of the material. The special features of the microstructure evolution in materials revealed in this work are taken into account in producing new materials by dynamic and quasidynamic methods.