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Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves

2002 year, number 2

Estimating the Electromotive Force in a Condensed-System Combustion Wave

V. F. Proskudin
Russian Federal Nuclear Center, Institute of Experimental Physics, Sarov 607190;
Pages: 176-181


A method for recording values of the electromotive force (e.m.f.) in a combustion wave in conducting condensed systems is proposed. The method uses electrodes made of the solid combustion products of the condensed system studied. The e.m.f. in the combustion wave in the 3Zr + 2WO3 and Ti + C + 20% TiC systems were measured to be 70–80 and 24–27 mV, respectively (the e.m.f. for these systems has different polarity). It is shown that in the combustion wave of the Al + Ni system, the e.m.f. is close to zero (does not exceed 1–2 mV).