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Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves

2002 year, number 2

Mechanism and Microkinetics of Soot Formation upon Thermal Decomposition of Carbon and Fiberglass Plastics under One-Sided Radiant-Convective Heating

G. N. Isakov
Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Tomsk State University, Tomsk 634050;
Pages: 169-175


The paper reports experimental methods for studying soot formation upon thermal decomposition of carbon and fiberglass plastics in flows of high-temperature gas and flame. The mechanism of the process is analyzed and its microkinetic parameters are determined. The problem of unsteady heating of a semi-infinite body of semitransparent fiberglass plastic is formulated and solved numerically taking into account the process of soot formation under conditions of radiant-convective heat transfer. A comparison of calculation results with experimental data is given in dimensionless variables.