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Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves

2002 year, number 2

Combustion of Mixtures of Commercial Aluminum Powders and Ultrafine Aluminum Powders and Aluminum Oxide in Air

E. M. Popenko, A. P. Il'in,* A. M. Gromov,** S. K. Kondratyuk,** V. A. Surgin, and A. A. Gromov*
Biisk Technological Institute, Altai State Technical University, Biisk 659305;
*High-Voltage Institute, Tomsk Polytechnical University, Tomsk 634050;;
**Federal Scientific and Production Center "Altai," Biisk 659322
Pages: 157-162


The paper studies the combustion of mixtures of commercial aluminum powders (ASD-1 and ASD-4) and ultrafine powders of Al and γ-Al2O3 in air. It is shown that the combustion of coarsely dispersed commercial powders is accompanied by binding of air nitrogen with formation of AlN and AlON. The combustion of mixtures proceeds in two stages with the possible formation of intermediate gaseous and liquid products. The processes of sintering and incomplete combustion play an important role in the combustion of mixtures of commercial powders and ultrafine powders of aluminum.