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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2012 year, number 2

Evolution of kinematic structure of the flow behind a transverse rib for transitional flow regimes

О.А. Dushina, V.M. Molochnikov, N.I. Mikheev, A.A. Paerely
Research Centre for Power Engineering Problems
Keywords: flow visualization, laminar-turbulent transition, large-scale vortex structures, dynamics of kinematic structure of a flow, transverse rib
Pages: 259-266


Results are presented on visualization of a separated flow behind two kinds of transverse ribs in a channel for a range of Reynolds numbers covering the different stages of laminar-turbulent flow transition. The data was obtained on dynamics of kinematic structure of flow and on evolution of large-scale transverse vortex structures which were generated in the mixing layer during late stages of laminar-turbulent transition. The qualitative estimates were obtained for the vortex generation frequency and velocity of their convective transfer. The features of flow structure were identified for flow behind tested shapes of ribs.