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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2012 year, number 2

On classification of flow regimes in a channel with sudden expansion

P.V. Bulat1, O.N. Zasuhin2, V.N. Uskov2
1 VNH-Project SEC Mechanics
2 Baltiysky State Technical University Voenmech
Keywords: bottom pressure, bottom region, flow regimes, non-stationary processes
Pages: 233-246


Supersonic flows of gas in the vicinity of the bottom region known as flows with sudden expansion have been considered. On the basis of extensive experimental studies, authors have proposed a complete classification of flow regimes: stationary, oscillating, and transient. Hysteresis of the regimes change at total gas pressure increasing and decreasing in front of the nozzle has been found. Typical shock-wave configurations emerging at the jet flowing in a channel at different modes have been determined. The type of shock-wave structure and the nature of interaction of the mixing layer of a jet with the wall or reverse flow flowing into the channel from ambient medium determine the appropriate mode. Combination of physical and numerical experiment with bottom pressure calculation according to the developed semi-empirical model have revealed new flow regimes that were not studied earlier.