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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2012 year, number 1

Numerical modelling of unsteady heating and melting of the anode by electric arc. Part 2. Numerical characteristics of the anode weldpool

R.M. Urusov, F.R. Sultanova, T.E. Urusova
Institute of Physical-Technical Problems and Materials Science of the National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic
Keywords: electric arc, numerical modeling, anode unsteady heating and melting
Pages: 149-162


Numerical computations of the electric-arc heating and anode melting were carried out within the framework of the two-dimensional unsteady mathematical model. The influence of the viscous interaction "plasma−melt", surface tension forces, electromagnetic forces, and gravitational convection on the formation of the hydrodynamics of the anode melt was considered.